Here’s What You Can Do to Heal the Damaged Skin Barrier

The skin barrier, the top layer of the skin, is sometimes referred to as the “moisture barrier” or “acid mantle” of the body’s largest organ. The skin can again be differentiated into three distinct layers—the epidermis or the outermost layer of the skin; The dermis or the middle layer of the skin that contains collagen, elastin, and the skin’s nerve and blood supply—the subcutaneous tissue that forms a barrier between the skin and the muscles. The outermost skin barrier is probably most affected by skin care products, sun exposure and damage, and exposure to minerals and other elements. So, how do you make sure you’re taking care of your skin barrier, and more importantly, the right way? Read on to find out.

Use a gentle cleanser:

Skin cleansing is the first step towards achieving a clean and healthy skin barrier. However, it is important to use a cleanser that is gentle as well as effective in getting rid of toxins and dead skin cells. Doing this will enhance the color of the bottom. Meanwhile, if you use sunscreen regularly, you should first use an oil-based cleanser so that the SPF molecules can break down properly. Doing so will ensure that the rest of your skincare is better absorbed.

Wear SPF daily:

One of the biggest enemies of skin barrier health is sun exposure. To protect yourself from this, choose a minimum SPF 30 and a PA+++ rating. Even physical protection such as hats, caps, full-sleeved clothing can help in extremely tropical climates. Both physical and chemical sunscreens are believed to be effective against sun exposure.

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Moisturize Well:

If you are one of those people who do not moisturize their skin at all due to the fact that some moisturizers can be a bit ‘sticky’ on the surface, then this suggestion is for you. Your skin needs moisturizing even during the peak of summer, because without it, the skin barrier loses essential sebum. To combat this, use a moisturizer suited to your skin type that specifically contains ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and essential peptides.

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