Here’s why you need to add papaya to your daily skincare regimen for better skin

edited by: Shreeja Bhattacharya

Last Update: January 11, 2023, 14:05 IST

Papaya is a great skin exfoliator and can help you with acne too. (Image: shutterstock)

Include the very versatile papaya in your diet or skincare routine to get flawless and beautiful skin.

Sometimes it is better to follow age-old trends rather than chasing the hottest new products that have just been launched in the market. In earlier times, most people used whatever natural products they could find to keep their skin clean and fresh. One of the widely used natural products was papaya and it is time to go back to this extremely versatile fruit which is lying in our kitchen almost all the time for any skin issues.

Papaya is rich in nutrients and can be used in any way to nourish your skin. If you want to include it in your daily diet then it is definitely an option but if you just want to use it as a pack or herb then this is one way you can go for it.

But how can papaya help you with your skin related problems? Read on to know more-

  1. Papaya is a great exfoliating agent and can help remove dead cells from your skin and help you achieve an even skin tone as your skin will start renewing new cells as soon as the dead cells are removed .
  2. If you are one of those people who are struggling with acne then papaya should be your favorite ingredient. The fruit can help you reduce inflammation and unclog your pores.
  3. The fruit is high and rich in antioxidants that can also help you with aging wrinkles and help with damaged, dull skin.
  4. Papaya rich in Vitamin C properties can bring glow to your skin and remove any kind of unwanted spots.
  5. If you are using a lot of makeup and unnatural products, you can start using papaya as a scrub or a snack because of its great detoxifying elements.

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