Hero of ‘Hotel Rwanda’ found guilty of terrorism-related charges

A court in Rwanda has convicted Hollywood-immortalized US resident Paul Rusesabagina on multiple charges, including terrorism, for saving more than 1,200 people during the 1994 genocide, marking the active career of one of President Paul Kagame’s sharpest critics. effectively terminated.

The 67-year-old recipient of the US Presidential Medal of Freedom, who called the trial politically motivated, said the presiding judge read out the verdict in Kigali to silence him.

He is now facing a life sentence after pleading guilty to at least a dozen charges, including conspiracy to commit terrorism, financing and setting up armed groups, murder, arson and involvement of children in armed groups. He has repeatedly called the allegations fabricated. Mr Rusesabagina’s lawyers said in a statement that Rwandan authorities abused his client during his imprisonment and seven months of trial.

The decision is the most high-profile example of Mr. Kagame’s determination to end political dissent, regardless of public backlash from the US and other Western donors whom he has relied on to rebuild the country from the ruins of the genocide. . Mr. Rusesabagina, a former hotelier credited with saving hundreds of lives during the murders, inspired the 2004 Hollywood film “Hotel Rwanda”, before Kigali used his Hollywood fame to drive political change in the tightly controlled East African nation To advocate.

His trial, which began in February, has been condemned by human rights groups, members of the US Congress and the European Parliament, who say it is an attempt by Rwanda to quell dissent. In July, Amnesty International accused Rwandan officials of infiltrating Mr. Rusesabagina’s daughter’s cellphone, using the Israeli spyware company NSO’s malware Pegasus to spy on efforts to free her father. A spokesman for the Rwanda government denied the allegations.

Mr Rusesabagina emerged handcuffed in Rwandan custody in August last year after he disappeared while in transit from Dubai airport. His lawyers say he was kidnapped against his will and brought to Rwanda. Rwanda’s government says he was a terrorist mastermind accused of funding a rebel group responsible for several deadly attacks within Rwanda. Officials have denied that he was abducted.

For many, Mr Rusebagina, whose courageous character was portrayed on screen by Don Cheadle, was seen as a leader with the best chance to broaden the campaign against the shrinking political space in Rwanda. Rwandan officials accused him of supporting the opposition National Liberation Front, an alleged armed wing of his opposition group the Rwandan Movement for Democratic Change. He denies the charges, and during the trial the judges ignored his lawyers’ proposals to note that he was allegedly kidnapped and tortured.

Mr Rusesabagina’s Hotel Rwanda Foundation said in a statement that he “knew that he would be declared guilty as soon as he was kidnapped … a show trial took place, and the Rwanda government still failed to produce any credible evidence”. doing.”

The judges also found guilty 20 of Mr Rusesabagina’s co-defendants, who were accused of rebelling against the Rwandan government. Some of the co-accused confessed their crime.

“We consider Rusesabagina’s role in forming the National Liberation Front, her provision of funds and purchase of secure phones for her, as a crime of terrorism,” Presiding Judge Beatrice Mukamurenzi said. “Therefore we find him guilty of the crime of terrorism.”

The decision comes a month after Kigali deported Mr Roussabagina’s Belgian lawyer Vincent Lurquin after accusing him of violating immigration laws. Mr Roussabagina, a Belgian citizen and US green-card holder, boycotted proceedings from the march, accusing the court of “unfairness and lack of independence”.

His family and supporters have a global campaign for his release, insisting that the allegations against him are politically motivated.

Mr Russabagina’s daughter Karine Kanimba said, “Dad’s rights have been violated during his custody, it was not a lawsuit at all.”

During the past two decades, Mr. Kagame has won praise for reducing poverty and transforming Rwanda into one of the world’s fastest growing economies.

But he has also been accused of cracking down on dissent, including chasing opponents exiled to South Africa, Belgium and the UK from neighboring countries including Uganda and Burundi.

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