Hezbollah: Hezbollah slams Australia ‘terrorist’ list – Times of India

Beirut, Lebanon Shia extremist movement Hezbollah on Wednesday condemned Australia’s decision to list the entire group as oneterrorist organization“, accusing Canberra of succumbing to the demands of the US and Israel.
hezbollah It has long been targeted by US sanctions and blacklisted by the US and Israel as a “terrorist” organization, but the Iran-backed group is also a powerful political player with seats in Lebanon’s parliament.
The countries have refrained from sanctioning the political wing of the group, saying such a move could hamper relations with the Lebanese authorities or contribute to destabilizing the country.
Hezbollah “strongly condemned the decision of the Australian authorities” in a statement, saying it was “a disgraceful submission to American and Zionist dictators” and served Israel’s interests.
Australia’s move extended an already existing ban on the armed wing of the Shia group.
“The decision and those that came before it will not affect Hezbollah’s position and its authority. Resistance“, the statement said.
Hezbollah was founded in the 1980s to fight Israel’s occupation of southern Lebanon and has grown into Iran’s main regional proxy with operatives in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
In college Lebanese faction To keep its weapons after the 1975-1990 civil war, Hezbollah has a more powerful arsenal than the Lebanese national army.
It emphasizes the movement’s role of “resistance” against Israel and states that its role is to defend Lebanon.
