High Blood Sugar: Diabetes can end by eating almonds, experts revealed about study on diabetes control

Diabetes Treatment: In India, there are over 80 million people with diabetes, and almost three times as many who are at risk of developing the disease. One in six people either have diabetes or are at risk of developing it.

Patients with diabetes are often encouraged to control their disease by eating less, eating regularly, and using medications. Yet, in a separate study conducted in India, researchers found that if people with pre-diabetes were fed almonds three times a day before diagnosis or after diagnosis, their blood sugar could remain normal even if they developed diabetes.

The study, conducted in India, included participants between the ages of 18 and 60 who had not yet developed clinical diabetes, who had blood sugar levels slightly lower than diabetics and who were obese. , due to lifestyle choices, or are only steps from developing it. genetics. Such patients are called pre-diabetic.

About 17–18 almonds, or 20 grams, were administered 30 minutes before meals to 60 individuals between the ages of 18 and 60. He was instructed to follow a strict diet and walk for 45 minutes every day. This was done for three months. After this, the blood sugar level of 33% of the participants came back to their normal level, which reduced their chances of getting diabetes. In some individuals, the percentage of obesity decreased, and their cholesterol also remained under control.

Lead researcher and endocrinologist Dr. Anoop Mishra points out that almonds were not soaked before being served to participants during the study. This study found that eating soaked almonds reduces their nutritional value and increases the risk of illness from bacteria growing in the water.

Nutritionist and co-author of the study Dr. Seema Gulati considers almonds to be a superfood. It is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, zinc, potassium and vitamin E. Almonds are good for the digestive system and lower cholesterol, thus patients who ate them for three months straight had reduced insulin resistance, increased pancreas. functions, and helps manage blood sugar levels. Also, according to the researchers, people who consumed almonds had lower overall weight and smaller waistlines.

According to health experts, if this strategy is adopted during the treatment of diabetes, then the dependence of diabetic patients on insulin and medicines can be reduced significantly.

(With inputs from Pooja Makkar)