High blood sugar: eating sugar doesn’t cause diabetes – 5 myths about the disease debunked

Myths and facts about diabetes: High blood sugar or diabetes is a serious health ailment and it leads to many complications. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, most of whom live in low- and middle-income countries, and 1.5 million deaths are directly attributable to diabetes each year. While a major health hazard in itself, high blood sugar also complicates other existing problems and affects organs such as the eyes and kidneys. While diabetes can be controlled with lifestyle changes, there are many myths associated with diabetes. Dr Aniket Mulay, Consultant Internal Medicine, Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road says, “There are a lot of myths associated with diabetes which are commonly believed to be facts. Lack of proper knowledge can lead to stigma regarding diabetes. Essential. All your doubts are cleared by an expert on how to manage diabetes easily and lead a healthy life.”

Myths and facts about high blood sugar

Dr Aniket Mulay said, “Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body is unable to glucose (sugar) in the blood. People suffering from diabetes are often confused about the do’s and don’ts. They think diabetes is caused by eating too much. cause.” They should avoid sugar altogether if they have sugar and diabetes.” These are some of the popular myths associated with diabetes, as explained by Dr. Muley:

myth: Diabetes is not serious at all and it is okay to ignore it

fact: If you have diabetes, it is imperative for you to take utmost care of yourself. Diabetes is a lifestyle disease and needs immediate management. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to stroke, heart disease, kidney and liver problems, and even nerve damage. It can also lead to gangrene and leg amputation. This will affect the quality of one’s life. So be careful if you have diabetes.

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Myth: Eating too much sugar causes diabetes

fact: Genetics, poor eating habits, lack of physical activity, stress and obesity are some of the risk factors for diabetes. Eating sugar will not cause diabetes. But you should avoid sweet and sugary beverages.

Myth: If someone is on insulin it means they should not make any lifestyle changes

fact: When someone is diagnosed with diabetes, blood sugar can be managed through diet, exercise, and medications. However, in some people the medicines may not be effective and they may require insulin injections to help control their blood sugar levels. But, even when one is on insulin, one needs to follow a proper diet and exercise routine.

Myth: Women with diabetes are unable to conceive

fact: Women who manage their diabetes can have a normal pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby.

Myth: Diabetics should avoid exercising because it is not safe

fact: This statement is completely untrue. Actually, to control the blood sugar level, daily exercise should be done. Exercise helps increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin. It is better to exercise for at least an hour 5 days a week. You can take the help of an expert regarding which exercise is suitable for you. In addition, you can at least start walking.