High Blood Sugar: Fruit Juice for French Fries – 7 Foods to Avoid in Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes or high blood sugar afflicts many people worldwide and according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people living with diabetes increased from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. Poor food choices and a sedentary lifestyle coupled with stress have led to an increase in the number of people reporting high blood sugar. Diet is the most important factor in controlling diabetes and while we often focus on foods to eat, let’s check out 7 foods we should avoid if we have a family history of diabetes or high blood sugar.

sweets and sweetened beverages

Processed sugar-rich foods like most Indian sweets, sweets and candies are strictly not recommended for people with diabetes. They can cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels and add calories without providing any nutritional benefit. The same is true of canned juices, sodas and all sweetened beverages. These drinks are high in fructose and should be avoided by diabetics.

Honey, Maple Syrup, Brown Sugar

Yes, many people think that replacing white table sugar with honey is a healthier option, but honey can also raise your blood sugar like maple syrup or brown sugar. These are often touted as a healthier alternative to white sugar, for their similar carbohydrate content, if not more.

Also read: 7 Day Diet Plan For People With Diabetes – Check What To Eat And What Not To Eat

ready to eat breakfast options

Start your day with a breakfast cereal or granola bar, something diabetics should completely avoid. Grains are highly processed, high in carbs, low in protein and have no significant nutritional value. An egg breakfast is far better than a breakfast cereal.

french fries

Delicious they may sound but french fries are absolutely a no-no for diabetics. Potatoes are full of carbs and when you peel off the skin and deep fry them in oil, it still turns unhealthy. They can promote inflammation and this can also lead to heart problems later on.

Fruit Juice

This may be surprising as fruit juice is known to be healthy and beneficial for health. Although they may be high in minerals and vitamins, unfortunately, they are not a safe choice for people with high blood sugar. When you make juice, even if you are not adding sugar or sweeteners, the amount of fruit sugar in the juice will be concentrated. This increased the level of sugar in the blood. Whole fruits contain more fiber and therefore drinking juice will not fill you up in the same way as eating fruits.

full fat dairy products

Full matte cream, milk, curd, paneer – all such dairy products should be avoided. Studies have shown that the saturated fat in dairy products can inhibit insulin resistance and therefore not only high cholesterol, it can also lead to high blood sugar.

flavored yogurt

Rich in carbs and sugar, flavored yogurt should be strictly avoided by diabetics. Instead, choose plain yogurt.

(Disclaimer: The article is based on general information and is not a substitute for medical expert advice. Zee News does not confirm this.)