High blood sugar risk: Gujarat’s ‘sweet tooth’ fuels alarming rise in diabetes cases

High blood sugar: The prevalence of diabetes is skyrocketing at an alarming pace in the state. Recent data from the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) conducted in 2022 highlights the seriousness of the issue.

The survey revealed alarming figures on high random blood glucose (RBG) levels, which crossed the limit of 141 mg/dL. Among females in Gujarat, the prevalence is 14.8 percent, while for males it rises to 16.1 percent.

In comparison, the previous NFHS-4 report released in 2015-16 had recorded much lower figures of 5.8 per cent for females and 7.6 per cent for males.

These figures paint a disturbing picture, as Gujarat surpasses the national average of 12.4 percent for women and 14.4 percent for men in terms of high RBG levels.

Among major states with a population of more than three crore, Gujarat ranks fourth, which highlights the urgent need for immediate intervention and massive awareness campaigns.

The situation is made worse, as the state is facing the consequences of its sweet indulgences. The increasing prevalence of diabetes demands immediate action to arrest its alarming growth.

Rucha J., Gujarat based Endocrinologist with over 16 years of experience. “By 2030, one in six Indians will be a diabetic. One of the leading causes of diabetes is obesity and currently, 7 out of 10 adults and 4 out of 11 children in India are obese,” Mehta told IANS. The situation is even worse in Gujarat. To maintain a healthy body, it is necessary to do 150-170 minutes of cardio per week.”

He also said about Gujarati diet: “Gujarati diet has maximum carbs, oil and sugar. Due to such bad lifestyle habits, type 2 diabetes is on the rise. We have more patients than ever before.”

Epidemiologist Kaumudi Joshipura, who has been appointed dean of the newly opened Ahmedabad University’s School of Public Health, also told IANS, “In terms of lifestyle, ours is the only state where we put sugar in almost everything, a lot Fried stuff, refined carbs diet. I was surprised to see that although alcohol is banned in Gujarat, many people get addicted to it compared to other states.”

Dr Mayur Patel, president and chief diabetologist, Swasth Diabetes Care and All India Institute of Diabetes and Research, told IANS: “Diabetes cases are increasing rapidly in Gujarat due to both overeating and undereating. There’s nothing like a balance between.” Our eating habits make the situation worse. Weight gain is a big problem for Gujaratis.”

Why do Gujaratis put sugar in every meal?

Gujarat’s semi-arid climate, with temperatures reaching 45 °C during summer, as well as erratic rainfall patterns, has led to water scarcity. Groundwater, the primary source of drinking water, is naturally saline and contains high levels of fluoride due to its proximity to the coast. Locally referred to as “Khara Pani”, this salty water deeply affects the flavor of the food prepared from it.

To counteract the excessive saltiness, the ancients of Gujarat began adding a sweetening element, usually molasses, to their dishes.

Over time, this practice became ingrained in the culture and the people of Gujarat developed a preference for sweet foods.