High Blood Sugar: These 5 Leaves Will Help Control Sugar Levels And Manage Diabetes

Blood Sugar Control: High blood sugar, also known as diabetes, has far-reaching health effects. It weakens our body from inside and if we do not control the sugar level over time, it starts affecting our organs. If diabetic patients do not take care of their health, they may also have to face kidney disease and heart disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), by the year 2030, diabetes will be the seventh biggest killer globally.

A healthy diet is very necessary apart from the medicines prescribed by the doctors to control our blood sugar level. There are many green leaves in nature which help in reducing the blood sugar level. Let’s check them out:

Ashwagandha Leaves:

A popular herb used in Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha – also known as Indian ginseng – is highly beneficial for diabetes, claim Ayurveda experts. It is especially beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. According to some experts, Ashwagandha lowers blood sugar levels by stimulating the secretion of insulin in the bloodstream. It can be used in the form of root and leaf extracts. If you are using ashwagandha leaves, put them in the sun to dry; Then grind them and make powder. Now drink this powder mixed with lukewarm water, it will prove beneficial for diabetic patients.

Curry Leaves:

A storehouse of fiber and widely used in South Indian cuisine, curry leaves can also be beneficial for diabetic patients. Curry leaves are rich in fiber and fiber is said to slow down the rate of digestion and hence not metabolize rapidly, keeping the blood sugar under control. It enhances insulin activity. Therefore, chew some curry leaves every morning.

Also read: Reduce High Blood Sugar: 5 Vegetables Good For Diabetes Patients – Eat Regularly

Mango leaves:

Rich in pectin, vitamin C and fiber, mango leaves are great for people with high blood sugar as well as high cholesterol. This is little surprise because the mango fruit – despite its taste and few health benefits – is strictly not recommended for diabetics. So how to consume mango leaves? Boil the leaves in water. Then leave this water for overnight, filter it in the morning and drink it.

(Picture: Pixabay)

Fenugreek seeds:

Fenugreek leaves are once again full of Ayurvedic properties, so their consumption is considered very beneficial for health. If you eat their leaves or seeds, then it will help to a great extent in reducing the blood sugar level. It is known to improve glucose tolerance.

neem leaves:

Neem leaves may be bitter but they are packed with health benefits. Regular consumption of neem leaves can lower your blood sugar level. It is also good for people with high blood pressure (hypertension) or high cholesterol level. You can drink neem juice regularly or simply chew on a handful of leaves. But be careful and don’t overdo it because in rare cases, the sugar level can go too low. So keep monitoring your blood sugar level.

Also read: Causes Of High Blood Sugar: 7 Surprising, Daily Things That Can Raise Your Insulin Levels

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on general information home remedies. Please seek medical advice before adopting it. ZEE NEWS does not endorse the same.)