High blood sugar: Tips to help manage diabetes in the summer heat

Diabetes Control: As the temperature rises, so does the concern of people suffering from diabetes. Keeping blood sugar levels under control is difficult, especially for people who are prone to high levels.

People suffering from diabetes face different challenges in each season as managing blood sugar levels is the key to living a life free of complications. While a sedentary lifestyle is more prevalent in the winter, which can negatively impact diabetes management, people with high blood sugar conditions are more vulnerable to heat exhaustion and heat stroke in the summer because their condition damages blood vessels and nerves. which can then affect the sweat glands.

Dr Sandeep Reddy, Senior Endocrinologist, Kamineni Hospitals, Hyderabad spoke to Zee English about the challenges diabetics experience, especially during the summer months.

People with diabetes may also lose water from their bodies more quickly, due to increased urination due to high blood sugar.

Dr. Sandeep says, “The summer season can be challenging for individuals with diabetes as it can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Moreover, a heat wave can make diabetes even more difficult to manage As it can affect the body’s ability to control blood sugar, it is therefore important to take necessary precautions and follow certain tips during the summer season to prevent any health complications.”

Here are some tips to fight heat stroke and manage diabetes during the summer season:

stay hydrated

It is necessary to drink plenty of water in the summer season to avoid dehydration. In individuals with diabetes, dehydration can increase blood sugar levels, which can lead to complications. Therefore, it is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water per day. If you are physically active or are outside, drink more water to avoid dehydration.

avoid sweetened beverages

Sugary drinks such as soft drinks, fruit juices and energy drinks can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. Instead, opt for sugar-free beverages such as water, unsweetened tea or sugar-free lemonade to stay hydrated.

check blood sugar levels often

In hot weather, blood sugar levels can fluctuate, and it is important to monitor your blood sugar levels regularly. To effectively manage your diabetes, check your blood glucose levels before and after physical activity, after meals and before going to bed.

wear light and breathable clothing

During summers, wear light-coloured, lightweight and breathable clothes that allow sweat to evaporate easily. Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes as they can cause discomfort and increase the risk of skin infections.

protect your skin from the sun

Excessive exposure to the sun can damage the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer. In addition, sunburn can cause dehydration, which can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is important to wear sunscreen, a hat, and protective clothing when outdoors.

Exercise regularly

Exercise is key to managing diabetes, but it can be challenging during the summer. Avoid exercising outside during the hottest times of the day and instead exercise in the early morning or late evening. If you’re physically active outside, carry water with you and take frequent breaks to avoid dehydration.

store insulin properly

Insulin should be stored in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat. During summers, it is advised to store insulin in the refrigerator, but do not freeze it. If you’re traveling, carry a cooler with ice packs to keep your insulin cool.

plan your meals

During summer, plan your meals carefully to avoid overeating and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet and avoid fried or processed foods. If you’re eating out, choose healthy options such as grilled chicken or fish, salads and vegetables.

Managing diabetes during the summer season can be challenging, but can be done effectively with the right precautions. Stay hydrated, avoid sweetened drinks, check your blood sugar levels regularly, wear light clothing, protect your skin from the sun, exercise regularly, store insulin properly and manage your diabetes effectively Plan your meals carefully to manage.

“If you experience any unusual symptoms or complications, consult your healthcare provider immediately,” concluded Dr. Reddy.