high cholesterol? 4 Yoga Asanas To Lower Bad Cholesterol Levels – Check Out The Asanas & How To

Like diabetes (high blood sugar) and hypertension (high blood pressure), increased cholesterol levels cause serious health problems and especially put the heart at risk, and can even lead to a heart attack. Is. If the cholesterol level remains high, then the person is at a higher risk of having a heart attack. While medication (after doctors consultation), diet and adequate sleep are important, it helps a great deal if you practice yoga regularly, Himalaya Siddha Akshar, Akshar Yoga Institutes, Himalaya Yoga Ashram, World Yoga Organization says the founder.

Yoga asanas to reduce blood cholesterol level

Himalayan Siddha Akshar lists four asanas to control cholesterol levels.

1) Sarvangasana: One of the most beneficial yoga asanas or asanas to reduce high cholesterol is Sarvangasana. By using this asana, the harmful cholesterol of the body can be reduced.

How to do: Kick the feet back, then focus your weight on the head, shoulders and elbows. As far as possible, pull your legs straight up until you are stable. Anyone having thyroid, heart or hernia disorders should avoid this asana.

2) Paschimottanasana: This pose can also be highly effective in reducing blood cholesterol levels.

How to do: To accomplish this, sit with your legs straight. Exhaling, slowly lean forward until your nose is touching your knees without lifting your feet.


3) Kapalbhati Pranayama: Kapalbhati Pranayama has the potential to be a very effective cholesterol-lowering technique. It also controls obesity.

How to do: Sit straight, take a deep breath, bring the belly in and exhale. Doing this continuously also helps in avoiding fatigue. Kapalbhati Pranayama should be avoided during migraine attacks, pregnancy and menstruation.


4) Vajrasana: Vajra is the Sanskrit word for a diamond, and this mudra is important for lowering cholesterol. Another type of yoga that can be done even after eating is. Additionally, this pose assists with active digestion. It reduces stress that causes muscle spasms and increases blood circulation, thereby lowering cholesterol.

How to do: This is a basic seated position also known as the Diamond pose. In this asana, the shin rests under the thighs as the weight of the body is supported by the ankles. You can start by staying in this pose for 3-4 minutes, then increase the time to 5-7 minutes.


Control High Blood Cholesterol: Other Steps to Take

The Himalayan Siddha texts mention some other steps to keep cholesterol levels under control:

Manage your diet

Limit the intake of cholesterol-rich foods such as cheese made from milk.

Dairy products, baked goods, fried foods, and processed foods all contain saturated fat, which increases low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad cholesterol. So avoid or limit them.

Trans fat raises LDL while lowering high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol. So avoid processed and fried food.

Compared to vegetarian food, non-vegetarian food has higher cholesterol and saturated fat levels. So be patient.

(Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the expert and not endorsed by Zee News. Always check with a medical professional/expert before starting any new exercise regime)