High Cholesterol: 5 Warning Signs In The Body You Should Never Ignore – Check The Symptoms!

High Cholesterol Symptoms: If your cholesterol level gets worse, it can cause very serious health problems. Left unchecked, cholesterol can lead to heart attack or stroke. If you have high cholesterol, fat accumulates in your blood vessels, which eventually affects blood flow in the arteries. If these deposits suddenly break off and form a clot, it can lead to a stroke or heart attack. The biggest problem is that most of the time, it is a silent disease, and since it shows no obvious symptoms, this deadly attack can happen suddenly! So watch out for these warning signs in your body that could be a sign of high cholesterol.

numbness in feet

A symptom of high cholesterol can be a numb sensation in your legs and feet. Plaque build-up in arteries and other blood vessels can make it feel numb. Pain and discomfort, a tingling sensation may also be felt in the hands and feet, due to blockage of oxygen-rich blood from reaching the hands and feet.

blue or purple web-like pattern on the skin

Cholesterol embolization syndrome, which means you may have a blockage in your arteries, can cause a blue or purple mesh-like pattern to appear on the skin, especially during winter.

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yellow nails

Due to the formation of plaque in the blood vessels, blood circulation is affected, due to which the nails turn yellow.


This is a yellow growth that appears next to your nose or at the corners of your eyelids. Xanthelasma can be an early warning sign that cholesterol has begun to accumulate. In itself, this may not be dangerous but could be a sign of future heart problems.


Several studies have indicated that psoriasis, which is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, may be a sign of cholesterol problems. Some studies say it causes functional impairment of HDL (high-density lipoprotein), also known as “good cholesterol.”

So if you are showing any of these symptoms, don’t waste your time. Get a blood test done after consulting a doctor, and strictly follow the doctor’s advice and lead a healthy lifestyle if you have high cholesterol.

Also read: 5 Ayurvedic, Easy Home Remedies To Control High Cholesterol Levels

(Disclaimer: The article is based on general information and is not a substitute for medical expert advice. Zee News does not confirm this.)