High Court dismisses FIR for hate speech against BJP leaders

The Court agrees with the observation of the trial court that approval from the Government is required. For FIR against MPs

The Court agrees with the observation of the trial court that approval from the Government is required. For FIR against MPs

The Delhi High Court on Monday dismissed the plea of ​​CPI(M) leaders Brinda Karat and KM Tiwari to register an FIR against Union minister and BJP leader Anurag Thakur and party MP Parvesh Verma for their alleged hate speeches against anti-CAA protesters in January. was demanded. 2020.

Justice Chandradhari Singh observed that the Delhi Police in its status report had specifically stated that no cognizable offense was made out against Mr. Thakur and Mr. Verma in the case. The court refused to interfere with a trial court’s August 26, 2020 decision, which held that sanctions were required to register an FIR against the two leaders.

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Ms. Karat, in her petition, had said that on January 27, 2020, Mr. Thakur allegedly gave hate speech at a public rally in Rithala, inciting the crowd to “shoot the traitors”. The complaint against Mr Verma stated that on January 28, 2020, he made false, provocative and communal statements in the Shaheen Bagh protest against CAA-NRC.

The CPI(M) leader has filed an FIR against two BJP leaders under sections 153A (promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race), 153B (allegations, claims prejudicial to national unity), 295A (deliberately) was requested to register. Malicious act intended to outrage religious feelings) and section 505 (statements intended to cause public mischief) of the Indian Penal Code.

The trial court had dismissed his plea saying that the prior approval of the central government is required at the stage of ordering registration of the FIR as both Mr Thakur and Mr Verma were Members of Parliament.

Agreeing with the trial court’s order, Justice Singh said, “If such inquiry is ordered in a regular manner for offenses under sections 295-A, 153-A and section 505, such a situation will arise.” Where thousands of FIRs will be lodged. Set scores against political opponents across the country.”

“This would not only be undesirable and an abuse of process, but would also affect the already overburdened criminal justice system,” the judge said.

Justice Singh found that Ms. Karat and Mr. Tiwari had the option of going to the revisional court against the order of the lower court, but they directly approached the high court. The judge said that the petitioners have “failed to satisfy the court and no case is made out for interference of this court at this stage”.

‘Strict action needed’

In the 66-page judgment, Justice Singh cited a Shloka To emphasize from the Bhagavad Gita that “whatever action a leader does, the common man follows in his footsteps; and whatever standard he sets by his actions, is followed by his subjects”.

He also referenced another popular quote from the Spider-Man movies – ” With great power comes great responsibility“- To emphasize that hate speeches made by elected representatives, political and religious leaders, especially on the basis of religion, caste, region or ethnicity, require strong action on the part of the Central and State Governments Is.

“Hate speech incites feelings of violence and resentment against members of specific communities, creating a sense of fear and insecurity in the minds of members of those communities … Hate speech is the starting point of attacks against the targeted community that There may be discrimination leading to boycott, ghetto, deportation and even genocide,” remarked Justice Singh.

“There are also examples of demographic changes following such hate speeches; The exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from the Kashmir Valley is a prime example,” the judge said.

He pointed out that Article 19 of the Constitution provides for freedom of speech and expression with reasonable restrictions including public order, decency or morality or contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence. “Hate speeches not only cause defamation but also incite offenses against a particular sect of the religion of this country,” the judge said.