High-Protein Breakfast: Make Delicious, Nutritious Spinach Omelette in 15 Minutes

Morning is usually the busiest time of the day. We wake up, try to complete some of our household chores, get ready for office and finally start the day with a cup of coffee or tea in our hands. Unfortunately, amidst all the chaos, our most important meal of the day, breakfast, is sometimes overlooked or even skipped altogether. While we are sure that you must have tried some quick recipes to fill your stomach in the morning, these recipes might not be nutritious enough. So, if you also find yourself in the same situation sometimes, don’t fret. Today we bring you a delicious recipe of Spinach Omelette which makes for a delicious and nutritious breakfast!

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This recipe is quick and easy to make. In this recipe of Palak Omelette, all you have to do is boil onions and spinach and cook them with eggs. Here, we haven’t overused spices to give you a subtle taste in the morning. However, if you are the one to experiment, you can add as much spice as you like and spice it up! The best part about this recipe is that it takes only 15 minutes to cook well. Once you make it, mix it with your delicious tea and enjoy. Read the recipe below:

Here’s how to make Palak Omelette. Spinach Omelette Recipe

First, gently beat the egg and add salt and pepper. Heat oil in a pan and cook the beaten eggs. Take a fork and gently stir the eggs. Spread onion, spinach, olives and oregano on top and fold. Once done, fold it again and serve!

For the complete Spinach Omelette recipe, Click here.

Try this delicious omelet recipe for a healthy and complete breakfast. Then, how did you like the taste of it, do let us know in the comments below.
