High Protein Diet: Try This Chicken Masala Omelette as Your Next Quick Snack

Out of all the healthy and easy-to-make breakfast dishes, the omelet is the ‘exceptional’ recipe that has always been touted as a favourite. It’s nutritious, delicious, and quite filling, and can be made in a jiffy. In fact, it’s one of the first recipes we learned in our kitchen; A recipe where we dared to experiment and feel really proud after every desired result. And by now, we all know there can really never go wrong with an omelet, right? So, how about experimenting a little more? Here we bring you an omelet recipe rich in spices, filling and protein. It is called Chicken Masala Omelette.

A hearty twist on the desi masala omelette recipe, this recipe is loaded with juicy chicken chunks as well as tangy masalas (spices) that make it nutritious and to the core. You can also add some vegetables like onions, green onions or tomatoes; This is completely optional. But make sure it’s loaded with all the delicious stuff. So let’s learn how to make it. to keep track:

Here’s how you can make Chicken Masala Omelette. Chicken Masala Omelette Recipe:

To begin with the recipe, beat the eggs until the yolk and white are fully combined. Once done, add spices like salt, red chili powder, black pepper and coriander powder. mix well.

Now heat oil in a pan, add small pieces and fry for 2-3 minutes while stirring. Once done, add oil (if needed) to the pan, add the egg mixture, cook a little and then add the chicken pieces. Season it with mixed herbs and you can add grated paneer too. Cook from both the sides.

For a step by step detailed recipe of Chicken Masala Omelette, Click here.

For more omelet ideas, Click here.

So, the next time you feel like experimenting with your morning meal, make a delicious omelet by adding some chicken chunks along with eggs. Try it at home and let us know how you liked it in the comment section below.
