History of Kumbh – Times of India

Aquarius is a sign in the zodiac that falls between Capricorn and Pisces, located at the eleventh 30 degrees of the elliptical arc. Aquarius is stable astrological Signal. The name of this constellation means “water-bearer” or “cup-bearer” in Latin, and is one of the earliest known stars of the zodiac.
The annual Nile flood was associated with Aquarius, and overflow was reported along the river when Aquarius threw his jar into the river in early summer. The constellation was seen by the Greeks as a simple vase of water. Aquarius has the qualities of progressiveness, originality, independence and humanism. Negative characteristics of an Aquarius include a lack of social expression, being unstable, adamant, and distant. Uranus (contemporary ruler) and Saturn are the planetary rulers (traditional ruler) of Aquarius.
Saturn’s acute understanding of the constraints of time and matter shape and value our world. Saturn serves as a reminder of our limitations, duties and obligations. It gives meaning to our existence. Shani reminds us of the importance of self-discipline, norms and limits. Knowledge, growth, objectivity, originality and creativity are all associated with Uranus. It symbolizes the flame of inspiration that leads to creation. water Bearer Provides life and intellectual nourishment to the planet in a figurative and enduring way. The waters of the ship wash away the old, making room for a new beginning.
The metal of Aquarius is uranium, which has contouring and provocative characteristics. Aquarius people have a lot of courage and love in their hearts. Aquarius sign people will always be blessed with their lord Lagna.
