Holi Hydration: 5 Hydrating Foods To Stock Up On During And After Holi Festivities

As we are just a few days away from one of the most awaited festivals of the year, the preparations have started in full swing! While kids are busy raiding the markets for the most colorful water guns, adults have started preparing for all festive dishes To be presented to guests and family members. Holi marks the end of spring and the beginning of summer, however, summer tells us otherwise! While we will be busy laughing, singing and dancing through the day, it is important to realize that constant exposure to the sun and an action-packed day can take a toll on our overall health; Dehydration is the biggest reason! While we will be surrounded by water balloons and coolies all day long, not many of us will remember to grab a glass of water when we really need it.

As much as we want to get out in the spirit of the festival, many of us have jobs and duties to attend to the next day. We are exhausted for the next few days, dragging ourselves through even the simplest of tasks. But, it is not necessary that this should always happen. Adequately hydrate yourself with frequent water breaks and Don’t rely on sugary packaged drinks, Apart from the above points, you can rely on these 5 hydrating foods, which will help you celebrate this exhilarating festival in a healthy and happy way. Here are some foods that you should include in your diet before and after Holi to combat any symptoms of dehydration.

Holi is all about fun and enjoyment!

(Also Read: Holi 2023: 5 Best Kanji Recipes For Your Holi Feast – NDTV Food Recommendations,

5 Hydrating Foods To Eat During And After Holi

1. Watermelon

Juicy and delicious watermelon is one of the first foods that come to our mind when we think of summer fruits. Watermelon is such a miraculous fruit that contains 95 percent water. Being rich in lycopene, an antioxidant, watermelon is essential for regulating water balance in the body. Eating watermelon is a delicious way to stay hydrated on a hot and humid summer day.

Find some hydrating watermelon drink recipes here.

2. Cucumber:

Need we say more? Cucumbers are one of the most trusted hydrating foods to include in our summer diet. Shilpa Arora, Health Practitioner, Nutritionist and Certified Macrobiotic Health Coach, says, “Cucumber is made up of up to 95% water and two compounds – ascorbic acid and caffeic acid – that prevent water retention. Due to its high water content, It boosts your body’s strength. Hydrates and flushes out toxins.”

Here are 5 easy cucumber recipes that you can try.

3. Coconut Water:

It’s no secret that coconut water is synonymous with summer in the country. But have you ever thought, why? When there is a lack of water in our body, the level of sodium and potassium in our body decreases to a great extent. A glass of coconut water is rich in sodium and potassium, which can bring back lost nutrients to a great extent. Consuming it throughout the day can prove to be very beneficial.

coconut water mangalore

Coconut water is a great hydrating drink.

(Also Read: Holi Special: 6 Delicious Thandai Recipes,

4. Curd:

Yogurt is creamy, silky, simple, made from live micro-organisms called ‘pro-biotic’, and packed with health benefits. It is one of the best inclusions in your diet when the fried and greasy Holi party menu is wreaking havoc on your gut. It is also one of the best things to have in the summer heat as it is usually eaten chilled and has about 85 per cent water content. Lastly, yogurt is a great source of protein, B vitamins and calcium.

Organizing Holi Party? Pair your scrumptious curries with these scrumptious raita recipes.

5. Gourd:

If you can’t think of any good reason to include bottle gourd in your daily diet, its many health-benefiting properties may make you wholeheartedly incorporate it into your daily cooking. Bottle gourd juice has long been appreciated by health experts for its medicinal properties. They suggest that consuming bottle gourd juice acts as a hydrating agent reducing excessive body heat – this humble vegetable has about 96 per cent water content. Bottle gourd is also very good for the stomach and lightens the digestion process.

Bored of plain old gourd curry? Here are 10 other ways you can enjoy the vegetable.

you go there; Stock up on these 5 hydrating foods and have a fun and safe Holi!

Happy Holi 2023 everyone!