Home is back for these residential school students

Worried over the dilapidated condition of the school building, parents of students studying at Mahatma Joythiba Phule BC Residential (Boys) School at Kaudipalli mandal headquarters in Medak district, took their wards back home fearing that the building would leak in all rooms. Cause it may fall. ,

The residential school established in 2017 has a student strength of 480. Initially the admission was limited to 5th and 6th classes, but now the school has classes up to Intermediate level.

All 14 rooms – six with RCC ceilings and eight with asbestos ceilings – are in poor condition. With water seeping into all classrooms, there have been incidents of roof collapses, and teachers and students are afraid to stay in the classrooms, especially during the rainy season.

Presently classes 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th are going on in the school, while other classes are going on in another residential school located at Tuniki, about 10 km from Koudipally. Each class consists of two sections with a strength of 40 students.

Presently 286 students are studying in the school. After the rains, some students have been shifted to a nearby tribal residential school. Sometimes, they are asked to stay in a shed built by a local political leader, while the teachers have arranged for some lights.

With heavy rains lashing the state for the past few days, parents have approached the school authorities and took their children home fearing for their safety.

“The parents came to the school and took the children home saying that they would be sent back only after the rains subsided and the buildings were safe. There is nothing wrong in fearing parents when the school buildings are in ‘poor condition’, an official said on condition of anonymity.