Home Remedies for Sugar Craving: Cloves Can Help Control Sweet Cravings – Expert Shares

Cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and many other spices hold a constant place in every Indian pantry. These spices are aromatic and are widely used in our daily cooking. From Masala Chai to Curries and Dals – we add spices to almost everything that we make in our kitchens. And what adds to the popularity is their medicinal use. Indian spices are rich in many essential nutrients and have been a part of traditional medicine for centuries. And if taken in the right amounts, these spices can help boost immunity, prevent seasonal diseases and nourish us from within. Celebrity nutritionist and life coach Luke Coutinho agrees with the same and shares the benefits of cloves in his latest post on Instagram.

Read also: Clove for acidity: This easy remedy will remove stomach problems

Health benefits of cloves:

Clove (also called clove) is one of the most popular spices in our pantry. Apart from its widespread use in cooking, clove also serves as a home remedy for cough, cold, headache and more. It is loaded with anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, carminative and anti-flatulent properties that help prevent cold and flu. According to Dr. Ashutosh Gautam of Baidyanath, “Cloves (and clove oil) are one of the richest sources of antioxidants. It is used as an antiseptic and pain reliever especially for toothache and abdominal pain.”

Luke Coutinho shares its benefits adding up, cloves, if taken in the right amounts, can help control sugar cravings. Yes, you heard us. This hot and sweet spice contains nigrisin, which is known to improve insulin sensitivity, and curb all our sweet cravings.

He further shared, cloves can also help prevent toothache, bad breath, indigestion, nausea, vomiting and more.

Dosage: How To Consume Cloves:

Luke Coutinho shares a clear instruction on how to consume cloves to enjoy the benefits. Cloves are not to be chewed or swallowed, he explained; Instead “suck as long as you can” a clove or two.

“While it works for most people, it may not work for you… if it suits you then do it, if not then don’t,” he shares.

Take a look at the full post here:

Read also: Cooking With Cloves: Here’s How You Should Buy Cloves

About Somdutt SahuInvestigator- Somdutt likes to call this himself. In terms of food, people or places, she craves only to know the unknown. A simple aglio oleo pasta or dal-chawal and a good movie can make his day.
