Hope he is thrown out: US senator again calls for assassination of Vladimir Putin

US Senator Lindsey Graham reiterated her position on the assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and called on the people of Russia to “end and end this regime of terror”.

“I hope he gets kicked out somehow. I don’t care how they take him out. I don’t care if we send him to The Hague and try. I just want him to go,” Graham said during a news conference as Russia’s war on Ukraine entered its third week.

To drive his point home, Lindsey Graham said that Putin was a war criminal, and compared the Russian prime minister to the Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

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“Vladimir Putin is not a legitimate leader. He is a war criminal. I wish someone had pulled Hitler out from inside [1930s]” he commented.

The Republican leader clarified that he does not want the US military to “intervene” in Russia or Ukraine to kill Putin. Rather, he must be “dealed” by the Russians themselves.

“I’m not asking to invade Russia. The world at large,” Graham said.

The US lawmaker was the first to call for Putin’s assassination earlier this month, for which he was rebuked not only from Russia but also from his own party.

,Is there Brutus in Russia, Is there a more successful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian army? The only way for someone in Russia to get this guy out. You will be doing your country – and the world – a great service,” Graham said in a tweet on March 4.

The Russian ambassador had called the senator’s words unacceptable and derogatory. Other Republican lawmakers closed Graham’s view as “extraordinarily bad” and “reluctant”, while implying that he was a “blood thirsty” politician.

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