How can you protect senior citizens from common cold?

Last Update: January 23, 2023, 21:35 IST

Winter can provide some difficulties and health hazards especially for the elderly.

Older people are more likely to experience hypothermia, a condition in which the body loses heat more quickly than it makes it.

The winter season can be a bit challenging and pose health risks, especially for the elderly who are more vulnerable to injuries and diseases due to low immunity. The elderly are more prone to hypothermia, in which case the body’s temperature drops faster than it can generate heat. Cold also means expansion of tissues which leads to swelling and pain in the joints. So here are some ways in which you can take care of the elders in your household.

help them stay warm

Make sure they wear warm clothes. Cover your body with woolen clothing, gloves, socks, mufflers, hats and anything that helps keep the body warm. Don’t wait until they start trembling. Since older people have less immunity, they are more likely to fall ill.

keep them physically active

When the weather is chilly we all love to wrap up in our blankets and stay inside all day long. But, just like us, it is extremely important for the elderly to stay active to avoid lethargy, stiffness and pain. It’s a good idea to engage them in yoga, walking, or low-intensity exercise. This will regulate the blood flow and keep them energetic throughout the day as well. It will also help in strengthening their immune system to fight against flu and cold.

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take a bath with lukewarm water

Your aged parents may have swollen joints, taking a warm bath can provide relief. While taking a hot bath may sound tempting, it can lead to skin problems and dehydrate the skin. After showering, make sure they follow it up with a generous amount of cream/moisturizer on the skin to keep it hydrated.

drink water

We all feel less thirsty in winters which often leads to less water intake. This dehydrates our body. Make sure everyone drinks enough water to flush toxins out of the body. In winters you can urge your parents and grandparents to drink room temperature or lukewarm water instead of hot water. They can also drink green tea, ginger water or lemon water throughout the day.

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balanced nutrition

Include whole grains, lean meats, fish, poultry, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, vegetables and fruits. Increase intake of Vitamin C along with Vitamin D. Include cashews, figs, walnuts and pistachios in the daily diet.

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