How Google Maps can solve one of the biggest problems faced by Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) exam aspirants – Times of India

Indian Railways will now use Google’s navigation tool Google Maps to link the location of the candidates appearing for their examination with the examination centres. For the first time, the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will provide exam centers to candidates within a radius of 300 kms. The move is aimed at cutting down on travel time.

Indian Rail Will now use Google’s navigation tools Google Its map to link the location of the candidates appearing for the exam with the test centres. At first, me, Railway Recruitment Association ,rrb) The examination will provide the examination center to the candidates within a radius of 300 kms. The move is aimed at cutting down on travel time.
Over the years, candidates appearing for railway exams have complained about the examination centers being away from their homes. This means that they not only travel long distances, but also spend on living and eating.
“With this, we are linking each candidate’s pin code to an examination center within 300 km of their residence through Google Maps. Also, we are ensuring that the centers have no means of transportation like buses and trains. Have easy access to various means. If it works, we will be able to resolve one of the most frequent and perennial complaints of candidates,” a senior official told news agency PTI.
when does the process start
The process starts this month. It will be rolled out in Level 6 and Level 4 computer-based tests to be held later this month (July 30). Around 60,000 candidates are likely to appear for the exam at around 90 centers for 7026 posts.
“As of now, we have been able to accommodate around 99 per cent candidates who have been provided centers within a range of 300 kms, while 100 per cent female candidates have been accommodated within 400 kms,” the official said.
Most of the candidates took to Twitter to raise concerns about the centers allotted to them after RRB released the exam city link for the final set of exams.
A Twitter user from Kolkata said that she has been assigned a center in Karnataka, while a candidate in Bengaluru complained about being allotted a center in Ranchi, which is about 1,900 km away. Another candidate said that his center is 900 km away from his hometown.
Officials said that the candidates will get the centers within the limits, but it could be in a neighboring state with good connectivity.
However, in the north-eastern states, the Railways is finding it difficult to accommodate candidates within a 300-km range as there are only a few test centres, he said.

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