How ICET dialogue could be the next chapter in stronger US-India defense, trade ties

TeaThe US-India Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technologies or ICET was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden on the sidelines of the Quad summit in May 2022. The first meeting of the ICET will be held on January 31 in Washington DC. Between National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and his counterpart Jake Sullivan. The dialogue presents an opportunity for both the countries to further strengthen the upward trajectory of their defense ties and generate momentum in trade.

ICET Promise

The importance of ICET lies in its claim of “result oriented Cooperation” as it is headed by the National Security Advisors of both the countries. The dialogue focuses on dual-use and intensive technology areas of strategic importance such as artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, 5G/6G, biotech, space and semiconductors. calls for the success of further similar initiatives high technology cooperation group (HTCG), which was launched in 2002, also offers hope. HTCG initiated a process of greater strategic cooperation that eventually led to a review export control on dual-use technology, thereby increasing bilateral trade. ICET has an equal opportunity to lay the foundation for the future of US-India strategic engagement and innovation.

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sharp focus

The ICET has set its agenda for the first meeting. While no details have been revealed, a sharp focus is expected on high priority issues surrounding the mentioned technology areas. In AI, the US and India can emerge as leaders by setting norms and standards for ethical AI and data use. India’s space industry is liberalizing and going through its reforms since it was open to the private sector. anticipated space policy And the law will drive reforms. Both countries need to ensure that regulatory uncertainty and export/import controls in the space sector do not end up detracting from their potential in industry cooperation.

Finally, the semiconductor sector is one area where the US and India can leverage their mutual competitive advantage Design and assembly, testing and packaging (ATP) To gain a greater combined share in the total global supply chain. Ensuring supply and access to critical minerals in semiconductor manufacturing is also going to be critical to managing supply chain dependence on China.

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beginning of a new era

ICET presents a real opportunity to generate momentum in India-US trade relations through an industry-focused agenda. And with a trade deal hanging in the balance, without a confirmed ambassador for a long time, and geopolitical distractions, a strong ICET agenda would signal a US re-commitment to a stronger relationship with India. Both the countries can use ICET as a platform to usher in a new era of strategic cooperation. Some of the ideas that can be explored by ICET are as follows:

Indian companies as valid end users: The Validated End-User (VEU) program can be a tool for dual-use technology transfer in critical and emerging technology that is mutually beneficial to both the US and India. The former can identify champions in the Indian defense ecosystem and provide VEU exemptions to them to avoid any licensing hurdles. Such companies may be from areas of strategic dual-use technology, particularly where US supply chains are fragile. Currently only India There is a unit – General Electric With VEU exemption – whereas China has 11.

Regulatory Ease and Clarity for the Space Industry: India should address issues such as insurance and liability, industry certification and standardization. Safeguards for intellectual property should be built in to make the space sector foreign-investor and industry friendly. India should also seriously consider joining the US’s Artemis accord – a multilateral agreement between the US and other governments with the aim of returning humans to the Moon by 2025 – to tap into the growing lunar economy and space tourism sector.

Make India a DFARS Qualifying Country: Currently, 26 countries are approved or eligible for the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. (DFARS), which regulates the acquisition of goods and services for the US Department of Defense (DoD). Eligible countries can provide supplies to the DoD – and India is not on that list. If India qualifies as the 27th member, it will enhance supply chain flexibility, cost efficiency, and technological innovations for the US and partner countries. Such a move would also open up new markets for India’s deep technology players. Since most important and emerging technologies today are dual use, it can give a boost to the innovation ecosystem of both the countries.

Equally important is the implementation of the Space Situational Awareness Agreement by tracking space objects and conducting tabletop exercises and war games. Developing remote sensing capability and sharing space-related data will be critical to realizing these efforts.

Run innovation challenges for start-ups through both the US and India Defense Innovation Unit And idex, respectively. Both the countries can launch a joint challenge focusing on areas of critical and emerging technology, where start-ups from both the countries can pitch together for the award.

Finally, its a good time to announce the date for ICET Promise US-India AI Dialogue Which can make use of greater opportunities for joint innovation.

Kriti Upadhyay is the Vice President of Strategic Advisory for C2Ci Inc, an Intelligent Platforms company based in the United States of America. She is also the founding director of the IndUS Tech Council, a Washington DC-based non-profit focused on accelerating US-India technology ties. Thoughts are personal.

(Edited by Hamra Like)