How post-Covid syndrome affects your quality of life and your family

After seeing a spike in the number of cases of covid reason of omicron version Across the world, cases are now declining significantly. Countries have opened their borers and life is on the verge of returning to normal. However, a subgroup of people who recover from COVID-19 may experience lingering symptoms for several weeks or months after their COVID illness. Why is this happening? Health experts have described it as post-covid syndrome or long-haul covid.

The Mint team spoke to Dr Arvind Badiger, Technical Director, BDR Pharmaceuticals, about the post-COVID syndrome.

What is post-COVID syndrome or long-haul COVID:

Although the various aspects of the syndrome are yet to be fully understood, it is clear that the syndrome has significant adverse effects on a person’s quality of life, affecting family and social life as well as work productivity. Is.

Who can get it?

People who had severe COVID-19 disease, as well as the elderly and those with pre-existing diseases such as diabetes, heart, lung and kidney diseases, are at higher risk. But the surprising thing is that even young and healthy people who have either no symptoms or only mild symptoms can feel unwell for weeks to months after infection.

what are the symptoms?

The most common symptoms are fatigue, joint pain, body aches, difficulty in breathing, cough and persistent loss of smell and taste. Many also have varying degrees of depression, anxiety, sleep deprivation and chronic fatigue syndrome. The lungs, heart, and brain are the other main organs that are affected. Life-limiting complications such as pulmonary fibrosis and stroke are seen, but are very uncommon.

post covid syndrome,If you have some pending complaints:

  • If symptoms persist a few weeks after you first fell ill. You are not alone and almost everyone eventually recovers to their normal health. Contact your doctor who will help with bothersome symptoms eg. Shortness of breath, pain.
  • Don’t self-medicate—it may do more harm than good. Fruits and vegetables are better than taking a multivitamin. Make sure to get enough vitamin D from exposure to morning sunlight or supplements.

Meanwhile, India recorded 3,993 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, informed the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Tuesday. Government data shows that currently the active caseload of the country has risen to 49,948 which is 0.12 per cent of the total cases.

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