How pregnancy affects heart health

Last Update: 28 October 2022, 18:46 IST

The amount of blood that is pumped increases anywhere in pregnancy by more than 30–50 percent.

Heart conditions are responsible for about a third of all pregnancy-related deaths in the US.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through a number of physical and hormonal changes. While some changes, such as an increase in belly, are common sense, others are not so common. The effect of pregnancy on the heart is not something that people think or know about. During pregnancy, the heart is under a lot of stress as it has to pump more blood. The amount of blood that is pumped increases anywhere in pregnancy by more than 30–50 percent. This increased volume of blood means that the pregnant woman’s heart rate increases as well as the amount of stress on the heart.

It is for this reason that heart problems are one of the most common causes of pregnancy-related death. Heart conditions are responsible for about a third of all pregnancy-related deaths in the US. Pre-existing heart conditions can lead to new complications but pregnancy can result in new heart conditions as well. That is why it is important for women to pay attention to their heart health.

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Here are some ways that women can prevent complications from heart problems during pregnancy.

Keep up with the medicines: Continue to take the appropriate medication for your condition as prescribed by your doctor. Also, visit your medical care provider regularly to get updated advice during pregnancy.

Manage stress: Stress and anxiety during pregnancy can be unavoidable due to the daily struggles of life as well as a confluence of physical and hormonal changes. Management of stress and anxiety is important to limit additional stress on the heart and circulatory system.

Stay away from alcohol: Alcohol can not only directly harm the fetus but can also put extra strain on your heart during pregnancy. Also stay away from other substances like drugs and tobacco.

Get enough activity: Getting enough physical activity during periods can help you maintain weight, but it can also keep your heart in a healthy state.

(Disclaimer: The health tips shared in this article are based on common practices and common sense. Readers are advised to consult a doctor before following them at home.)

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