How prepared is India to deal with the Omicron version of Kovid-19, says doctor

With the gradual increase in cases of omicron in India, citizens are living in constant fear as the third wave of COVID-19 looms. Meanwhile, retired doctor Mohan Gupte, founder-director of the ICMR epidemiology department in Chennai, said that India has made all preparations if the cases increase.

Dr. Gupte said that “As far as India is concerned, we have taken Omicron very seriously. India had some time to react and if we get a large number of cases and they need to be hospitalised. We are keeping everything ready if required.”

Calling Omicron Edition coronavirus A “serious issue”, the doctor said, “there is no reason to fear” the detection of the virus in children.

“In children, the disease seems to be very mild. The severity is low. There is rarely any hospitalization. There is no mortality,” he said.

On the vaccine’s effectiveness against Omicron, Dr. Gupte said, “Omicron is a differentially mutated virus. In terms of Omicron, we are not sure how the vaccines are supposed to work. Some reports say a booster dose Will increase immunity and severity. Diseases will be reduced. Some even say that infection cannot be prevented. There are some other reports which say that with so many mutations, 32 mutation At Spike Protein, we can’t take things lightly”.

Stating that the virus cannot be taken lightly, especially in the case of sick people, Dr Gupte said such categories should be given a booster dose.

As for the decision on vaccines for children, Dr. Gupte said, “We expect that in about six months, vaccines will be available for children. There are developments already. As far as Covaxin is concerned, it is ready.” . They have demonstrated very impressive results. in children.”

(with ANI inputs)

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