How to do Shakti Mudra Yoga Asanas

Last Update: January 30, 2023, 18:19 IST

A healthy uterus is a sign of a vibrant and healthy female body.

Due to unhealthy eating patterns, these days women face problems in pregnancy and reproductive system.

The effect of bad lifestyle and wrong eating habits can prove to be very dangerous for women’s health. Even young women these days also face problems like uterine pain, fibroids, UTI infection, polyps, prolapse etc. However, these health problems can be overcome by following a proper fitness regime and doing some yoga asanas.

Fitness trainer Juhi Kapoor has also shared a similar post on her Instagram, where she gives information about yoga asanas that strengthen the uterus. Talking about the same, the expert said, “A healthy uterus is a sign of a vibrant and healthy female body, so it is important for us to take care of our uterus. Shakti Mudra, the name comes from Ma Shakti or Parvati and represents the female energy in our body. This pose helps to heal and rejuvenate the female reproductive system and if women practice this asana regularly, their uterus will be strong and the female reproductive system will function optimally.”

How to do Shakti Mudra?

To do this asana, first sit in Sukhasana posture and wrap the thumbs with the first two fingers and join the ends of the last two fingers together. This is called Shakti Mudra, now place your hands at chest level or navel center and take a deep breath and exhale. Do this daily for 5 to 10 minutes. The expert advised to practice this pose along with Malasana as shown in the video.

“There are no contraindications for Shakti Mudra. However, there are some contraindications for Malasana”, said the expert.

Contraindications to Malasan:

– Knee pain

– arthritis and joint pain

– Heel and ankle pain

Benefits of Shakti Mudra:

– Helps to deal with irregular periods

– Shakti mudra asana helps in dealing with fibroids in the uterus

– It helps in balancing hormonal problems

– better functioning of ovaries

– Allowing the symptoms of endometriosis and PCOS to subside

Healthy and strong birth canal

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