How to identify stolen sweet and hot chillies? Famous chef told a pro tip, kya jaata aap?

How to buy the right bell peppers: To buy sweet peppers, look at their lobes.

How to buy capsicum: Capsicum is used in making vegetable, vegetable, salad, fried rice, pizza vajrah. This nutrient-packed vegetable may have black pepper in its name, but its flavor is usually not pungent. You will also see many different types of sweet chillies in the market, in such a situation, many times you will not be able to understand which sweet chilli is good for vegetable and which one for salad etc. If you also live in this confusion, then the pro tip of famous celebrity chef Pankaj Bhadoria will be useful for you.

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Chef Pankaj Bhadoria shared a video on Instagram and told how you can choose the right chilli by going to the market. If you want to make vegetables or vegetables, then there is a different type of black pepper for it and if you want to prepare a salad, then there is a different type of sweet pepper for that. Let’s figure out how to identify them.

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Tips for Identifying Sweet Peppers | Tips for Identifying Capsicum

The number of lobes on a sweet pepper determines its flavor and pungency.

  • Papriks with 3 lobes are faster and are effective for cooking.
  • They are 4 lobed and best for salads.

Next time when you go to buy paper in the market, keep this in mind.

Benefits of Sweet Chilli | benefits of capsicum

  • Black pepper capsicum is used to control blood glucose. Also can help in dyslipidemia, cancer and healing wounds. Rich in Vitamin C, these vegetarian sustenance requests.
  • It promotes metabolism and can also prove beneficial in preventing glucose in the eyes.
  • It is also known for its relief in arthritis, Crohn’s disease and yellow fever.

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If any of these tips have helped you with black pepper, then do let us know in the comment section.