How to increase immunity in winter? Try These 5 Kadha Recipes

Kadha is a decoction made from a variety of kitchen spices and herbs. This traditional Indian drink is often consumed as tea and is known for its excellent immunity-boosting properties. Since time immemorial, the decoction has been a staple in Indian households and is known to be extremely effective against cold, cough and seasonal flu. With the winter season in full swing, we must take necessary steps to strengthen our immunity and give priority to our health above anything else. And what better way to do it than by adding a simple brew to your daily diet? Keeping this in mind, here we have compiled a list of decoction recipes that are ideal for boosting immunity during the winter season. Just have a look

Read also: Decoction for cold: This decoction is prepared from indigenous spices.

Here are 5 kadha recipes to boost immunity this winter season:

1. Ajwain Black Pepper Brew (our suggestion)

Ajwain is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, which help in boosting immunity during the winter season. Another ingredient used to make this decoction is black pepper. According to the book ‘Healing Foods’ by DK Publishing House, “Black pepper has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help eliminate toxins from the body.” For the recipe for Ajwain Kali Mirch Kadha, click here.

2. Decoction of Tulsi, Ginger and Turmeric

This decoction is made from the goodness of Tulsi, Ginger and Turmeric. All of these ingredients are considered ancient remedies for cold, cough and flu. For best effect, drink this decoction once daily. For the recipe for Tulsi, Ginger and Turmeric Kadha, click here.


3. Spiced Kadha

All you need are common herbs and spices like turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, licorice, basil, black pepper and cloves to make this spicy concoction. These spices are loaded with numerous health benefits and can help boost immunity during winters. For the Spiced Kadha recipe, click here.

4. Turmeric Black Pepper Decoction

Since ancient times, turmeric has been used for various medicinal purposes. Black pepper, on the other hand, aids in digestion and is loaded with several antioxidants. When mixed together, this concoction can do wonders for your health. For the recipe of Turmeric Black Pepper Kadha, click here.


5. Ajwain, Cardamom and Cinnamon Decoction

This spicy combination of carom seeds, cardamom pods and cinnamon is extremely beneficial for our immunity. All these ingredients have an array of antioxidant and immune-boosting powers. For the recipe for Ajwain, Cardamom and Cinnamon Kadha, click here.

Add these concoctions to your winter diet and let us know how you liked them in the comments section below.

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