how to make chicken patties at home

We all love patties, don’t we? They are an all time favorite snack for most of us as we love to savor them with our evening tea or coffee. Crunchy dough parcels filled with delicious fillings and baked or fried until golden brown always make us ask for more! From vegetable pattiesFrom Aloo Bread Patties to Raw Banana Patties and Sindhi Patties, the list is endless! They are so varied and easy to make that you can literally make them with any filling you like. But what about meat-lovers? Well, we have some good news.
Here we bring you a chicken patty recipe which can be easily made at home. The best part is that you can enjoy the tenderness of your favorite meat filling as well as the crunchiness of the patty all at once! These chicken patties are an excellent option when hunger strikes. So what are we waiting for? Let’s start with the recipe.

Read also: Veg Patties, Chicken Patties & More: 7 Patty Recipes You Must Try

Patties Recipe: How to Make Chicken Patties at Home

To make this recipe, firstly mix all purpose flour, salt and 1 cup butter to a crisp consistency. Add little water and continue to mix in the crunchy mixture. Add little more water until no dry particles remain. Cover in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Roll the butter between two sheets of plastic into a 6″ square. Roll the dough into a 12″x26″ rectangle. Now, center the butter and fold in first one end, then the other. To seal the edges Press and keep in the fridge for 15 minutes, roll the dough again into a long strip, fold one-third from one end to the middle and then fold the other end.

Refrigerate before using and repeat twice as needed. Now heat the butter and when it melts, add a little onion to it. Fry the onion till it becomes soft. Add chicken, salt and pepper and fry until chicken is soft. Roll out dough to 1″ thick, and cut into rectangles. Moisten edges, fold chicken mixture in half and fold. Press to seal. Finish by brushing egg yolk mixture on and heat oven to 425F-200C Bake for 15 to 20 minutes.

For the full recipe for Homemade Chicken Patties, Click here.

Now, that you know everything, try this easy chicken patty recipe at home and let us know how you liked it in the comment section below. Happy Snacking!