How To Make Creamy Lassi At Home – 5 Easy Tips To Follow

Lassi is a traditional yogurt-based drink popular in northern India. Lassi made of curd, water or milk and various spices can be eaten both sweet and salty. Although it originated in Punjab, you will now find lassi being served in various restaurants across the country. It is quite refreshing, helps in digestion and has a cooling effect on the body, which is why people love this drink so much. With summer just around the corner, we have all the more reason to make some delicious lassi at home. Lassi usually has a thick and creamy texture similar to a smoothie. And achieving this consistency at home can be quite a challenge. In this article, we have put together a list of easy tips that will help you make the perfect glass of rich and creamy lassi at home. read on.

Here are 5 tips to make creamy lassi at home:

1. Use Homemade Curd

The first thing to keep in mind while making lassi at home is to use freshly churned chilled curd. The use of homemade curd ensures that your lassi has a smooth and creamy texture. It is best to use plain yogurt made from whole milk. Avoid using flavored variations of any kind for best results.

2. Beat it well

Once you’ve found your ideal type of yogurt, it’s time to whip it up! While a blender can certainly make your job easier, it won’t give you the best results. Use a wooden madni mixer or a wire whisk to churn the curd, to get a creamy texture. Make sure to blend it for longer till it becomes frothy.

(Also Read: 3 fresh-tasting lassi recipes to quench your thirst this summer,

3. Don’t add too much water

While adding water to the lassi, keep in mind that pour the lassi slowly so that you can gauge the amount of water needed to get a creamy and smooth texture. If you mix too much at once, your lassi will be too thin.

4. Add ice cubes

Adding ice cubes while whipping the lassi makes the lassi thick and creamy. Not only this, it also makes lassi super refreshing and perfect to drink on hot summer days. You can also keep the glass in the fridge for a few minutes before pouring the lassi.

(Also Read: 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Lassi,


5. Add Cream

lastly, if you want to make your lassi even creamier, don’t hesitate to add a spoonful of cream while whisking. This will ensure that the lassi is extremely thick, frothy and creamy. You can also add a splash of milk to achieve that rich texture.

So next time you make lassi at home, keep these things in mind!

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