How To Make Curry Chutney – The Perfect Sweet And Spicy Chutney For Summer

Have you ever wondered what makes Indian cuisine so unique? The answer lies in its wide array of delicious dishes that suit every palate. And something that takes the taste of such dishes up a notch is our lovely chutney. Indian chutneys have been an essential part of our cuisine since ancient times and can be found in different varieties. The best part is that you will find chutneys for every season, be it summers or winters; There is no dearth of chutney recipes out there. Today we bring you a delicious recipe of curry chutney, which will be a perfect addition to your summer meals.
Read also: 5 cold chutneys to enjoy this summer – and which ones not
Kairi, also known as raw mango, is a seasonal fruit commonly available in India during the summer months. Since it is raw, it is used to add sour taste to various dishes. It is also an excellent source of vitamin C and other essential nutrients, making it a healthy addition to your diet. This summer special curry chutney is made desi style with sil batte, which gives it its distinct flavour. You can also make it with paratha, samosa, idli, sandwich or vada. We are sure you will absolutely love it! This recipe has been shared by food blogger Parul on her YouTube channel ‘Cook with Parul’. Before we get into the recipe, let us take a moment to explore some of its health benefits.

What are the health benefits of Kairi?

Carrion is an excellent source of Vitamin C, which helps in the production of collagen. It also contains enzymes that aid digestion and can help relieve digestive problems. In addition, caraway can help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels as well as aid in weight loss. Another benefit of mango is that it is good for the eyes as it contains Vitamin A.

Curry Chutney Recipe: How To Make Curry Chutney

To make this chutney, first take a fork and make holes in the curry. Place them on a wire mesh and roast them on a low flame till they are browned on top and a nice aroma starts coming out. (Keep turning them in between so that they get cooked on both the sides.) Add onion and garlic along with them and continue to fry.

Once done, take them out in a plate and let them cool for some time. Meanwhile, fry the red chilies as well. Now slowly remove the peel of curry, onion and garlic and cut them into small pieces. Place them on a silbatta and add salt, cumin powder and red chili powder. Grind them till smooth. (You can also use a grinder mixer if you don’t have a traditional Sil Batta).

After this, add grated coconut to it and grind again. Transfer to a bowl and garnish with fresh coriander leaves. Curry sauce is ready!

Read also: 5 easy and interesting ways to make coconut chutney

Watch the detailed recipe video of curry chutney here:

Try making this delicious chutney and do let us know how you liked it in the comment section below. If you are looking for more chutney recipes, Click here.