How to make Dhebra – A delicious Gujarati-style vada for breakfast

Looking for a delicious breakfast to accompany your evening tea? We may have the perfect recipe for you. The Gujarati culture believes in the tradition of eating “Nashto” and they have amazing recipes for delicious and spicy breakfast. So, if you’re a fan of theplas And Dhokla So you must try making Dhebra with your evening tea.

What is a dhabra, you ask? Dhebra is a delicious Gujarati dish which is often enjoyed as a snack and/or snack. Also called methi na dhebra, they are vadas made from millet flour (millet flour), fenugreek, spices and much more. The method of making this vada is exactly the same as the method of making any Indian chapati, the dough is made for making dhebra. Traditionally, dhebras are deep fried in the shape of cutlets but nowadays people have chosen a healthier method and started frying them. However, when the dhebras are fried, they roll out thin like theplas.

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When the dhebras are fried, they get ready by rolling like theplas.

How to make Gujarati Style Dhebra:

First you have to knead the dough with millet flour, wheat flour, fresh fenugreek, coriander, green chili, sesame, carom seeds, turmeric, black pepper, salt, ghee, jaggery and curd. Knead the dough and gradually add water as required. After the dough is ready, divide it into small balls. Make a thick ball by pressing the dough with your hand. Deep fry the circle till it turns brown and crispy. You can also cook it in a way that is healthier and uses less oil.

You can make it in the air fryer or bake it in the oven.

Click here for the step by step recipe of Dhebra.

You can enjoy Dhebra with mint chutney, curd and pickle.

what are you waiting for? Try this recipe today and let us know in the comment section how you liked it.


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