How To Make Easy And Healthy Walnut Cake; Nutritionist Pooja Makhija shares the recipe

If you’re someone who has a major sweet tooth and is trying to follow a healthy diet, we know how hard it can be to resist those endless cravings. Have you ever felt a sense of guilt immediately after indulging in your favorite dessert? If this sounds relevant to you, then you are just like us. While it is essential to include nutrient-rich foods in our diet, we all crave for some delicious sweets from time to time. So, if you are looking for a delicious yet healthy dessert to cure your sweet appetite, then celebrity nutritionist Pooja Makhija’s Walnut Cake recipe is just for you.

Read also: These 5 Healthy Cake Recipes Are the Best Way to Enjoy a Guilt-Free Dessert

She took to Instagram to share the recipe for this super easy and healthy walnut cake. The use of oat flour and ground dates in place of refined flour and sugar makes this cake extremely healthy. “Anyone like a healthy yummy tea cake? Let’s do it! Great!” He wrote in the caption of the post. So, without further delay, let’s take a look at the recipe:

Walnut Cake Recipe: How To Make Walnut Cake

To make this, first put rolled oats, oat flour, dates, chia seeds, vanilla essence, baking powder, salt and chopped walnuts in a baking tin. Mix well and spread the mixture evenly. Now in a pan add coconut oil, dates, walnuts and a pinch of honey to caramelize the walnuts. Once done, place the caramelized walnuts on top of the oats mixture and bake at 200 C for 25 minutes. Walnut cake is ready!

Read also: on a diet? Try this Healthy Dark Chocolate Ragi Cake to satisfy your craving

For the full detailed recipe, watch the video below:

Now that you know how to make this super easy and healthy walnut cake, try it at home and let us know how you liked it in the comments section below.