How To Make Fruits And Vegetables Last Longer – 5 Quick Tips To Try

Let’s admit it, there is something very intoxicating about those crunchy carrots and sweet and juicy apples. Hence, we cannot stop ourselves from buying them in bulk whenever we go to the market. But, storing these perishable foods once you bring them home can be a real challenge. We often see that fruits and vegetables get spoiled before eating. What do we do then? Of course, we throw them away, which leads to wastage of food. Today, people all over the world are very concerned about the wastage of food. Not only is it a waste of money, but it also has a huge impact on the planet.

How to keep fruits and vegetables fresh for a long time:

Here, we bring you some simple strategies that can help you enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables for longer. Plus, it will also help reduce food wastage. read on.

Read also: How to Choose the Perfect Papaya and Cut It Right

Kitchen Tips: Here are 5 easy hacks to store fruits and vegetables:

1. Plan and Buy

While we understand that fresh produce sounds highly addictive; But it is always better to plan well before buying fruits and vegetables. That way, you’ll have enough food (not extra) to prepare daily meals.

2. Clean and dry

We wash all fruits and vegetables after bringing them from the store – a practice we continue to follow religiously even after the pandemic. We must also remember to dry them thoroughly before storing. Excess water on fruits and vegetables can cause the material to spoil quickly.

3. Chop & Store

Especially for leafy greens, it is always recommended to clean, dry, chop and store in an airtight container. It helps to lock in the moisture, keeping them fresher for longer. On the other hand, for herbs like curry leaves and coriander leaves, clean them and wrap them in a muslin cloth and store them.

4. Clean in Vinegar

Fruits like berries and grapes should be washed in a mixture of water and vinegar in the ratio 3:1. Let them dry and then store in a container lined with kitchen paper. Here, don’t make the box air-tight; Instead leave some space for moisture to escape.

5. Know Your Vegetables and Fruits

Always remember, storing your produce properly increases their shelf life. While okra, carrots, oranges, berries etc. go bad if not kept in the fridge, food items like potato, onion, garlic, banana, watermelon and mango should always be kept outside.

Follow these tips and enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables for longer.

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