How to make Grapefruit face scrub at home

Last Update: January 25, 2023, 20:11 IST

It is better to opt for organic and home grown ingredients.

Grapefruit is rich in Vitamin C, which helps in nourishing the skin.

Winters make your skin lifeless and dry. As the temperature drops, the lack of moisture in the air becomes a major cause of dullness. And, your skin may face several problems like roughness and dryness, itchy and stretchy skin, and clogging of pores, which further leads to acne and skin breakouts. To overcome such problems, we often use some skin care products like moisturizer and face wash. Instead of using these chemically treated products, it is better to opt for organic and homemade ingredients. It is best to use a natural face scrub, as it penetrates the skin layer, heals the damaged cells and helps new skin cells grow. One of the best ways to scrub is by using the pulp of a fruit.

We usually apply fruit pulp made from bananas, oranges and papayas. Grapefruits also act as a natural scrub. It contains essential ingredients like salicylic acid, which helps in exfoliating the skin. The fruit works effectively in treating acne and pimples, unclogs pores and helps in removing dead skin cells and blackheads. It also contains exfoliating agents, which are beneficial for glowing and spotless skin. Vitamin C is also found in abundance in grapes, which nourishes the skin making it soft and supple. Rich in collagen properties, grapes used as a scrub can also reduce wrinkles and dark circles.

You can definitely add this fruit scrub to your skincare routine, as it helps fight skin aging problems. Let’s have a look at this DIY tip on how to prepare grapefruit scrub.

What do you want:

To make the scrub, you will need one grapefruit, ½ cup of sugar and 3 tbsp of almond oil. Apart from this, an air tight container will also be required.


First cut the grapes into two pieces and take out the pulp.

Now take a bowl, put fruit pulp in it and add sugar and almond oil to it.

Mix all the ingredients well and make a thick paste. Fruit scrub is ready, you can also prepare this mixture in good quantity and store it in an airtight container for further use.

method of application

First of all, clean and wipe your face and neck area.

Now take the required amount of this scrub and apply it on the face.

After this, gently massage with your hands in circular motion for a few minutes and exfoliate the skin.

Then after 5 minutes wash the face with normal water.

You can also use this paste to scrub your whole body.

(Disclaimer: The information given in this article is based on general assumptions. News18 does not confirm these. Contact the concerned expert before implementing it.)

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