How to make Kolhapuri Fish – A rich and flavorful fish curry you must try.

Mention Maharashtrian food and the first thing that usually comes to mind are vada pav, misal pav, ragda patis, puran poli etc. Isn’t it? While we all have a soft corner for these classic Maharashtrian dishes, there is still a lot to explore! Every district of the state has something unique and delicious. And one such district is Kolhapur. It has a rich food heritage and its dishes are full of flavour. Keeping that in mind, here we bring you a delectable Kolhapuri Fish Curry recipe, which is a must-have for all the seafood lovers.

Read also: 13 Best Maharashtrian (Marathi) Dishes | Easy Maharashtrian Recipes

In this recipe, shallow-fried fish is cooked in a pool of savory spices with a savory onion paste. The best part is that you can make this fish curry in just 30 minutes. It tastes best when paired with some steamed rice. Wondering how to make it? Check out the recipe below:

About Kolhapuri Fish Recipe: How To Make Kolhapuri Fish

First, add turmeric, chili powder, garlic paste, salt and lemon juice to the curd and marinate the fish in it for about 10 minutes. After this take a pan and heat some oil in it. Add bay leaves, cinnamon, cloves, black pepper and onion. Fry till the onion becomes soft. Add coconut and tomato and cook till the water dries up.

Read also: How to make Asli Kolhapuri Paste – Recipe by Chef Ajay Chopra

Blend the entire mixture in a blender. Keep aside. Now heat the remaining oil and put the fish in it. Fry on high flame or till the fish turns opaque. Add the spice paste and cook on low flame till the fish is well cooked. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot!

For the complete recipe of Kolhapuri Fish, Click here.

For more Kolhapuri Recipes, Click here.

Make this delicious fish curry yourself, and let us know how you liked it!

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