How to Make Quick Murmure Appe in 15 Minutes (Recipe Inside)

Thanks to South Indian cuisine, we have been introduced to several stellar recipes that make up our list of favorite foods that we cannot live a day without. For example, can you imagine life without the crunchy appams and the delicious Chicken Chettinad? Well, we certainly couldn’t! However, there are many buyers of dosa and idli out there, there is just one small problem which prevents us from eating these dishes every single day and that is that these recipes seem a bit lengthy. But, if you want something quick, we have come up with several variations of South Indian dishes that can help you enjoy the original taste. One of the easiest recipes is Murmure Appe.

South Indian food like idli and appe have become a part of our daily diet

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Soft in the middle and crunchy on the outside, appas are one of the regular breakfast or evening snacks in South Indian households. Pair it with chutney, sambar, or chicken stew – these rice dumplings make an interesting combination with almost all foods. Traditionally made with rice batter, this quick recipe replaces rice with murmur (puffed rice). The consistency of the batter is perfect by mixing semolina and blended murmur together. Grease the appe pan with oil and sprinkle mustard seeds on these quick snacks in a matter of minutes, read the recipe here

How to make Murmure Appe L Instant Murmure Appe Recipe

Wash and soak some puffed rice for a minute or two. Blend with water to make a smooth paste. Add semolina and other ingredients and mix and let rest for about 10 minutes

Heat the appe pan and grease it with oil and mustard seeds. Add appe’s batter and let it cook for some time. Flip over and let the other side cook for the same amount of time. Remove from the mold and serve hot.

click here For the detailed recipe of Murmure Appe.

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Try this easy recipe the next time you crave a quick South Indian snack. Tell us how it turned out in the comments below.


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