How to make Rava Appe: A nutritious and delicious recipe that can be made in 30 minutes.

Thanks to delicious South Indian cuisine, we have many wonderful recipes that now rank high on our list of favorite foods. The intricate flavors and simple techniques of cooking these dishes are something that make this dish a dish we cannot resist. Although many people enjoy dosa and idli, we cannot cook them every day as the batter takes a lot of time to cook. However, there are some South Indian dishes that we can make in a jiffy and enjoy with delicious chutneys. For example, Appe! Appe is usually eaten with breakfast or evening tea and is usually made with leftover idli or dosa batter. It is also known as Paniyaram, Paddu, Gulliappa, Gulittu, Gundaponglu or Ponganalu in different regions of South India.

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Appe is crisp in texture and soft, fluffy inside, which makes it more delicious. If you also want to make appe at home, then here we bring you an easy and quick recipe of rava appe, which you must try. In this recipe we have also used a bunch of vegetables to make it nutritious. In just 30 minutes, you can easily prepare a delicious South Indian spread. Find the full recipe below:

Here’s how to make Rava Appe. Instant Rava Appe Recipe

Mix rava and curd in a bowl. Make a dosa-like batter. Then in a large bowl add vegetables, baking soda, salt and pepper. If the consistency of the batter is too thick at this point, add a little water to thin it out. Allow for a rest period of 15 minutes after closing the lid. Heat a pan and grease it with oil or ghee. Fill 1-2 tbsp of batter in each appe mold and cover with a pan lid. Let the appetizer cook on medium heat. Brush some oil/ghee over the apples and turn them once the base is golden brown. Cook the other side in the same way and serve when ready!

For the complete recipe of Rava Appe, Click here.

Make this delicious dish, and let us know how you liked it!
