How to make Soft and Delicious Theplas; gujarati blogger shares tips

We Indians come across a wide variety of dishes that we can enjoy in breakfast. easy South Indian Idli-Vada Combo For the delicious aloo luchi of West Bengal, there is a wide variety of food spread across the country. And while enlisting these exciting breakfast recipes, we cannot forget about the delicious and quick Gujarati dish: Theplas. However, if you have ever made these at home and found out that they are not as soft or toothsome as your Gujarati friends make them, we have some news for you! Gujarati recipe developer and food blogger, Manasi, on her Instagram page @vspiceroute, shares tips on how to make soft and delicious theplas.

Manasi, who was born and raised in Gujarat, shares her struggle with making soft theplas when moving to the states. She captioned the video, “When we moved to the USA, Thepla struggled to find the same softness we had back in India. It took me trial and errors to get it right and I realized that tips and tricks are the key Keep them soft for longer.” She has listed down the exact recipe and several tips and tricks that helped her perfect this Gujarati staple.

(Also read: Watch: How To Make Appam In 5 Minutes Without Oil (Recipe Inside),

Tips to make soft and delicious Theplas are:

1. Add curd instead of oil in the flour. Finally use oil to knead the dough, let the dough rest for 15 -30 minutes before rolling it out.

2. The stove should be turned on medium to high flame as you do not want to cook them for a long time.

3. Use enough oil, if you use less oil, they will dry out and become hard and if you use more oil they will not stay soft and will be chewy. Use the right amount of oil and flip them quickly.

4. Press them together with the help of a spatula, this removes the oil so that they can remain soft.

5. Shuffle the cooked theplas well so that they do not dry out when they cool down.

6. Once they cool down, store them in an airtight container for a few days, in the fridge.

For detailed recipe and tips on making soft theplas, watch this video:

(Also read: How To Make Crispy Non-sticky Dosa At Home (Watch Video),

Viewers of the video were impressed and grateful for the suggestions, with many commenting on how they would use these tips the next time they made theplas. Wouldn’t you like to have soft and delicious Theplas for breakfast too? Go ahead, try these tips and let us know how your theplas turned out in the comments below.
