How To Make The Perfect Pizza Base – Simple Tips You Must Follow

Pizza is one of those few foods that is loved by everyone. It doesn’t matter where in the world you go, this is one treat you can always count on. From street food stalls to fine dining restaurants, we find pizza and pizza lovers everywhere in India. He is not everything. We often make it at home and mix it with any fizzy drink. Be it a birthday, a house party, or when we are craving for something delicious to eat at home, we usually order them. But making pizza from scratch at home gives us that assurance. While making pizza at home, we get our pizza bases from the market, but since they are prepackaged, they may lack the feel and tenderness of fresh pizza bases. so how about making pizza Dough at home?! If you think that one has to work hard for this, then you are wrong. All you have to do is follow a few basic steps and you’ll have soft pizza dough in no time. So, without further ado, let us learn how to make pizza base at home.

Here are some tips for making pizza base:

1. Knead on a well floured surface

A well floured surface is essential when kneading. You won’t have to worry about the dough sticking to your bench or your hands. A lack of flour can significantly slow down the process and possibly result in an unevenly kneaded dough.

Photo Credit: Unsplash

2. Use Sugar and Yeast

Adding sugar gives the yeast something to eat and speeds up the process. Whisk sugar and yeast in a bowl of warm water with a mixer, wooden spoon, or rubber paddle. Cover the bowl and keep it for 5 minutes.

3. Let Your Dough Rest

This resting period is an important part of the pizza making process because it allows the gluten to relax over time. When gluten forms, it becomes extremely tight and strong, causing the dough to tear when stretched. Allowing your dough to set prevents it from bursting and makes it easier to stretch.


Photo Credit: Unsplash

4. Knead the dough evenly

Starting from the outside, knead the dough evenly with your hands. Expanding from the center will result in too small a stretch, and your dough will be too thin. We also recommend skipping the rolling pin. While rolling pins are great for making cookies, they usually cause problems when making pizza bases.

5. Choose the Right Flour

The main component of pizza dough is flour, and the type you use can greatly affect the result. However, if you want a finer pore structure and dough texture, Type 00 flour, the finest milled grade of flour, is recommended. All-purpose flour will also work.

That’s all! Follow these tips and let us know how they worked for you in the comments below. Stay tuned for more cooking and kitchen hacks like these!

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