how to make your nervous system healthy

Whenever our nervous system detects danger, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) directs the body’s responses. When these moments of danger or stress are prolonged, the sympathetic nervous system remains in a hyperactive state. Thus our body is always in a fight or flight response. This hyperactivity of the SNS can be seriously dangerous to our health.

Psychologist and author Dr. Nicole Lepera explained this phenomenon in one of her Instagram posts. She explains in the caption that she was trained to diagnose symptoms as a clinical psychologist instead of finding out the root cause. Dr. Nicole studied the nervous system in depth and found that this system acts like an alarm system. She said it activates stress hormones, helping us to escape from the situation. He further explained that these stress hormones are very stable in the bloodstream of some people. This distracts their attention and causes memory problems.

Dr. Nicole further says that when our body and mind are trapped in a stressful situation for a long time, we enter into survival mode. Due to this, our nervous system constantly prepares us for both real or perceived threats and releases hormones like cortisol, adrenaline into our bloodstream.


According to Dr. Nicholl, symptoms of an overactive sympathetic nervous system include anxiety, nervousness, depression, digestive problems, fatigue, memory problems and others. These symptoms are the result of our sympathetic nervous system being activated.

how to get rid of it

To overcome this problem our body will need to help it reach its parasympathetic nervous system or rest and digestion state. The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the body’s rest and digestive response. This system increases the respiration and heart rate which helps in the digestion process.

Dr. Nicholl describes some steps by which we can practice bringing our bodies into the parasympathetic nervous system.

  1. practice sleep
  2. daily deep breathing practice
  3. Mind/Body Movement: Yoga, Tai Chi, Boxing etc.
  4. Get down in nature / Calm
  5. Nutrition (nutrient deficiencies can lead to nervous system dysfunction)
  6. Limit toxic/dysfunctional relationships

The author ends the post by saying that until mental health accepts the nervous system, we will just keep suppressing the symptoms.

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