How To Manage Hormonal Imbalance – These Expert Diet Tips Can Help You

Bad lifestyle choices are rampant in today’s times. And with it comes many health problems including hormonal imbalance. We see a lot of people, especially women, battling with hormonal issues that can lead to depression, weight gain, hair loss, acne, fatigue, autoimmune diseases, PCOS/PCOD and other such health problems. It is always a good idea to find out and deal with the root cause. And there’s no better way to rev up hormones than with the help of your diet. Here are some expert diet tips that will help you balance your hormones naturally.

Here are some diet tips for hormonal imbalance:

Dr. Rashmi Rai, Integrated Lifestyle Medicine Expert, suggests including the following foods in your diet.

1. Healthy Fats

Foods such as coconut oil, homemade ghee or butter, egg yolks and nuts contain fats that are beneficial to the body, providing it with ample energy and other important nutrients, which promote hormonal production. .

(Also read: These 7 Foods Are Full of Healthy Fats,

Healthy fats are important for providing energy to the body.

2. Seeds

Pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, sesame and sunflower seeds are rich in zinc and selenium which maintain the thyroid gland. It helps a lot in restoring hormone balance.

3. The Rainbow Diet

Dr. Rashmi Rai vows to keep different colors in the food throughout the day. Include a variety of foods to get maximum nutrition. Here are some foods you can consider and group together.

Violet – eggplant, purple cabbage, black currant, raisins

blue-blue berries

Green – Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale

Yellow – Yellow Capsicum, Saffron, Avocado

Red – apple, plum, melon, cherry, strawberry, beet

White – Banana, Mushroom, Ginger, Cauliflower

4. Herbal Tea

A healthy liver promotes hormone metabolism and the body’s detox system. passed herbal tea Infusion like basil or dandelion root tea. These drinks are caffeine free and also help to relax by calming their nerves.

5. Probiotics

Since most hormones are secreted in the gut, probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt, buttermilk, kanji water and bone broth can help keep the digestive system smooth.

(Also read: Try These 10 Probiotic Foods to Improve Digestion and Immunity,


Probiotics keep the gut healthy.

Well-known health coach Luke Coutinho also gives some very useful diet tips that we can easily incorporate into our daily routine.

1. Increase Protein Intake

Fill your plate with protein along with healthy carbs and fats to reach optimal nutritional levels. Proteins are broken down into amino acids and signaled by the hormones that control our appetite.

2. Avoid Sugar and Refined Carbs

Refined sugar and refined carbs should be replaced with healthy carbs. Instead of maida, take whole wheat, oats and other such healthy carbs. Sweeten your meals with healthier options Like fruits, dates and honey instead of sugar.

3. Don’t overeat or eat less

Aim to eat the right amount of food that satisfies your hunger and doesn’t weigh down your belly.

Follow a healthy diet to combat hormonal imbalance. However, always consult your doctor before making drastic dietary changes.