How to prevent vision loss if you are diabetic

self check eye protection Here,

India is poised to emerge as the diabetes capital of the world. There are approximately 74 million cases of diabetes in the adult population by 2021, and experts from the International Diabetes Association project this number to rise to 93 million in 2030 and 124 million in 20451.

Diabetes doesn’t just cause fatigue and irritability. It can do real harm to your body. Diabetes, high blood pressure, or a combination of both, causes 80% of end-stage kidney disease globally. Both diabetes and chronic kidney disease are strongly associated with heart diseases. Complications of the diabetic foot and lower limbs, which affect 40 to 60 million people with diabetes globally, are a significant source of morbidity among people with diabetes. Chronic ulcers and amputations result in a significant reduction in quality of life and an increased risk of early death.

Another known complication of diabetes is diabetic retinopathy – an eye condition that is the most common cause of vision loss for people with diabetes. Based on an analysis of 35 studies conducted around the world between 1980 and 2008, the overall prevalence of any diabetic retinopathy among people with diabetes who used retinal images was estimated to be 35%, with 12% present in 2. Sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy was present. In India, this problem is compounded by the lack of awareness and the high prevalence of uncontrolled diabetes. It is estimated that 43.9 million Indians have diabetes but have not been diagnosed yet.

So how does diabetic retinopathy affect vision? High blood sugar levels, when left unchecked, cause blocks to form in the small blood vessels that keep your retina healthy. The retina is a layer at the back of the eye that processes light into images. Blood vessels may swell, leak fluid, or bleed, often leading to vision changes or blindness. This condition usually affects both eyes. When left untreated, diabetic retinopathy can scar and damage your retina and cause vision loss.

Diabetic retinopathy can affect people with all types of diabetes – be it type I, type II or gestational diabetes. About two-thirds of all patients with type II diabetes and almost all patients with type I diabetes are expected to develop diabetic retinopathy over time.

You may not notice any symptoms of diabetic retinopathy until the condition is already advanced. This is why regular checkups are essential – this is a condition that can be prevented, but not reversed. Symptoms of diabetic retinopathy include blurred vision, the inability to see colors, holes or floaters, or dark spots in your vision. One of the early symptoms, however, is trouble reading or driving. So if you’re starting to notice it, and if your blood report puts you in the diabetic or pre-diabetic range, it’s time to get tested.

Realizing the importance of diabetic retinopathy screening, Network 18 in association with Novartis has launched the ‘Eye Suraksha’ – India Against Diabetes initiative. The initiative aims to create awareness about diabetes and eye-related complications such as diabetic retinopathy, the silent thief of vision. It aims to do so with the help of the Indian medical community, think tanks and policy makers. In addition to roundtable discussions and regular awareness campaigns, the initiative has also created a diabetic retinopathy self check up, and will publish a number of articles and videos that will help people with diabetes (and those who are pre-diabetic) better manage their overall management. will help manage. The health, and in particular, of their eyes.

Do your part: Get yourself and your loved ones tested for diabetic retinopathy today. Start with a diabetic retinopathy self-check, and while you’re at it, make an appointment to have your blood glucose level and blood pressure checked. Even if your blood glucose and blood pressure tests are clear, make sure you visit an eye doctor for a complete eye exam at least once a year.

A non-invasive painless test is the first step in effectively fighting the progression of diabetic retinopathy. Your doctor will dilate your pupils to look for any changes in the blood vessels of your eyes or to see if any new ones have developed. They will also check if your retina is swollen or detached. All this takes less than an hour.

Even if you do get a diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy, it’s not all over. Diabetic retinopathy is a manageable condition, and when caught early, you can take necessary steps to prevent it from progressing. In fact, type II diabetes is now considered a reversible disease, especially in the early stages. Give yourself the best shot at defeating it, through early detection!

With changes in lifestyle and diet, diabetic retinopathy is becoming a serious threat to eye health in India. Follow for more updates on eye protection initiatives, and join the fight to protect your loved ones from diabetes and diabetic retinopathy.

1. IDF Atlas, International Diabetes Federation, 10th Edition, 2021

2. IDF Atlas, International Diabetes Federation, 9th Edition, 2019

3.Gadkari SS, Muskati QB, Nayak BK. Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in India: All India Ophthalmological Society Diabetic Retinopathy Eye Screening Study 2014. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2016 Jan;64(1):38.

4. December 10, 2021

5. December 10, 2021

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