How to protect yourself from heat stroke this summer, keep these symptoms in mind

Several states across India are in the grip of unprecedented heat wave and the Meteorological Department has predicted severe heatwave conditions in many parts of the country. On 17 April, the India Meteorological Department issued a heat wave warning for several parts of India including Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Bihar, West Bengal, Sikkim, Odisha and Coastal Andhra Pradesh. A day earlier, 13 people had died while sitting in the open for several hours at a government function in Maharashtra.

As the previous example shows, excessive heat can lead to heat stroke, which is a life-threatening emergency. “Heat stroke occurs when exposed to high temperatures for a long time,” shares Dr. Tushar Tayal, Principal Consultant, Department of Internal Medicine, CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram. He talked to us about how heat strokes happen and the steps that can be taken to prevent them.

how does heat stroke happen

Dr. Tayal explains that heat stroke often occurs as a progression from milder heat-related illnesses such as heat cramps and heat exhaustion. “When the body is not able to maintain its internal temperature, its sweating mechanism fails and the body temperature rapidly exceeds 104 F. At such a high body temperature, internal organs including the brain can be affected.” The precipitating factors are environmental. Heat and dehydration,” he shares.

Heat Stroke: Symptoms to Watch for

As Dr. Tayal explains, some of the signs and symptoms of experiencing heat stroke are

1) Body temperature above 104 F or 40 C
2) The body becomes dry and red and does not sweat
3) an altered behavior in the form of slurred speech, incoherent speech, seizures and sometimes coma
4) rapid breathing
5) Nausea and vomiting
6) Headache
7) muscle spasms
8) fast heart rate

how to deal with heat stroke

Heat stroke is a medical emergency and the patient should be taken to the hospital immediately without delay. Dr. Tayal suggests the following steps that can be taken until medical help is available:

– Take the patient to a cool place or air-conditioned room
– ask them to lie down and elevate their legs slightly
– Give them plenty of water to drink (if the person is conscious)
– Cool their skin – spray or sponge them with cool water and fan them. Cold packs are also good for the armpits or around the neck.

Also read: How To Protect Your Heart In Summer, Follow Expert Tips

6 ways to prevent heat stroke

To avoid heat exhaustion and heat stroke during the summer months, some measures should be followed, as suggested by Dr. Tayal:

Drink plenty of cold drinks, especially while exercising
Take a cool bath or shower
– Wear light colored loose clothing
– Avoid sunlight between 11 am and 3 pm
– Avoid excess alcohol
Avoid excessive exercise in high temperatures

Dr Tayal says