How to store your green vegetables for a long time

Leafy greens are an important addition to a healthy diet—and they go beyond the simple salad bowl. Lettuce, kale, spinach and more – these are just a few varieties of greens. No matter what the season, we all face a common problem throughout the year – and that’s how to keep them leafy greens fresh for a long time. Every time we go out grocery shopping, we buy vibrant and fresh leafy greens in bulk, then we come back home and a few days later we find all the greens rotting and wilting in the fridge, resulting in Nothing happens except food wastage. To solve this problem, we have brought some hacks for you. These hacks can help you keep all kinds of greens fresh for as long as possible.

Read also: 8 Lesser Known Greens We All Should Be Eating

To store your green vegetables for a long time, you should follow these easy steps:

wash them properly

If you buy loose leafy greens, start by rinsing them with cold water. Take a bowl, fill it with cold water and dip the greens in the bowl. Gently, lift the greens and use a paper towel to dry the greens. Make sure the greens are properly dried; excess water will shorten their shelf life.


There are two good ways to store leafy greens. If you’re short on fridge space, what you can do is take a paper towel, spread leafy greens over it and roll up. Take it out whenever needed. However, if you have good space in your refrigerator, get an air-tight container. Place a paper towel in the bottom of the container, then fill the container with clean and dry leafy greens, and put another paper towel over it. Also, keep them in a crisper drawer in the fridge.


If you know you won’t be able to use them before the rest of the leafy greens run out, mix them with water or coconut water and freeze them in ice cube trays. Of course, you won’t be able to use them in your salads, but you can use them in your favorite smoothies.

remove rotten/spoiled leaves

If you notice any leaves turning brown, damaged or thinning. Remove them immediately! This process can help extend the life of the other leaves in the bunch.

Try following these hacks and let us know how they worked for you!