How treating your COVID as just the regular flu can be a dangerous assumption. The Times of India

It is difficult to tell from the symptoms whether it is COVID or the flu. However, there is a significant difference between the occurrence of diseases. MayoClinic’s expert says, “The symptoms of COVID-19 and the flu appear at different times and there is some difference. Symptoms of COVID-19 usually appear 2-14 days after exposure. Flu symptoms They usually appear about 1-4 days after exposure.”

Experts have said that in the case of COVID, the patient always experiences fever, whereas in the case of flu it does not. Fever is an occurrence in the flu, but not always, he has said.

In the case of COVID, especially when the delta variant was prevalent, people experienced loss of smell and taste. This symptom is rarely seen in the flu. However, those who were infected with the Omicron variant also did not experience loss of smell and taste. Since loss of smell and taste has already been observed during COVID, it can be used as a specific symptom for the disease.

Stomach related problems like diarrhea associated with COVID mostly occur in adults whereas in case of flu it is mostly seen in children. Along with nausea or vomiting.

“So the flu is very common, especially in season, and the symptoms are usually fever, headache, muscle aches, but also upper respiratory symptoms like sneezing and cough. It’s the same symptoms for COVID-19, basically, But in addition, we have specific symptoms like anosmia, which is a loss of smell and age, which is a loss of taste. And many people, especially young people, experienced these additional and specific symptoms for COVID-19 It is,” says Dr. Slievy Bryand, Director of Global Infectious Threat Preparedness (GIH), WHO’s Emergency Preparedness (WPE) at the World Health Organization (WHO).

Also read: 8 Definitive Signs Of Omicron; Know when you can get them
