Huge dome collapses as mosque catches fire in Indonesia – see details here

Jakarta: In a horrific incident, the dome of Indonesia’s Jakarta Islamic Center Grand Mosque collapsed after a massive fire on Wednesday. According to Gulf Today, despite dramatic social media footage of the mosque’s dome collapsing, officials claimed there were no casualties. It caught fire during the repair of the dome. According to Indonesian media, at least ten fire tenders were dispatched to the scene after firefighters received information about the incident after 3 a.m. local time.

In video footage before the mosque collapsed, flames and smoke could be seen rising from its dome. The origin of the fire is still unknown. According to media sources, the Islamic Center was being renovated at that time. Neither the fire nor the subsequent fall resulted in any casualties. According to Gulf Today, local media also said that officials have questioned contractors who were present during the fire and are investigating its origins. The Islamic Center complex includes commercial, research and educational facilities in addition to the mosque.

According to Gulf Today, the mosque’s dome last caught fire two decades ago in the midst of repairs, and it took five hours to put out the fire in October 2002. The area was evacuated after the mosque caught fire. It took 18 fire tenders to douse the fire, as the fire was so bad. After several hours of effort, the fire was finally brought under control. According to reports, the fire in the mosque was caused by a short circuit as repair work was going on at that time.