‘I miss critics’: PM Modi says people make only level allegations, criticism doesn’t need ‘research’

Prime minister Narendra Modi has said that while he attaches great importance to criticism, and respects his critics, there were very few critics and most people only made accusations.

in one interview with open magazinePM Modi said, “I think, and it is my firm belief, that I give great importance to criticism for my healthy development. I respect critics a lot with honest mind. But unfortunately the number of critics is very less. Most people make allegations, there are more people playing the game of perception. And this is because criticism takes a lot of hard work, research, and in today’s hectic world, people probably have There is no time. So sometimes, I miss critics.”

PM Modi was responding to a question on whether he is regarded as a champion of “serious free market liberals or your critique RSS-backed upper-caste conservatives”.

PM Modi said, “From your question it seems that the old principles of the last century like private sector vs public sector, government vs people, rich vs poor, urban vs rural are still in your mind and you seem to fit everything into it. are.”

Read also | ‘Intellectual dishonesty’: PM Modi opens up about opposition to farmer reforms in interview

In the interview, PM Modi said that those who have analyzed his work will have no doubts about him. He said, “The first thing I did after becoming the Chief Minister was about 20 years ago, when I had no prior experience in administration… I was the first to go to the people affected by the Kutch earthquake. I said publicly that This is the first Diwali after the earthquake, so we will not celebrate it and I was with the families of earthquake victims on the day of Diwali and shared their pain.

The Prime Minister pointed out that the first function he organized after becoming the Chief Minister of Gujarat in 2001 was the Garib Kalyan Mela. “If anyone had understood all this, then the work done by me today, like building toilets in the homes of poor people or providing free ration to the poor, would have been easy for them to understand.”

In the interview the Prime Minister also spoke about the opposition to agricultural laws, saying that one can see the real meaning of “intellectual dishonesty and”. political fraud“Among those who have opposed the agricultural laws brought by his government.

Talking about the government’s stand on agricultural laws, PM Modi said that his government stands for the empowerment of small farmers. He said, “The agriculture law you are talking about, the government has been saying from day one that on whatever point there is disagreement, the government is ready to sit and discuss those issues together. Many meetings in this regard also. But so far no one has expressed any significant disagreement that we want to change that.”

Read full interview of Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Open Magazine Here.

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