IAS officers, IIT, IIM graduates share tips to overcome distractions, stay focused

To help students and job seekers, Divya Mittal, an IAS officer of UP cadre and current DM of Mirzapur, has now shared some tips on how to create a good resume.

The IIM Bangalore and IIT Delhi alumnus, who regularly gives tips and advice on how to progress in life, has now shared tips on how to make an impressive CV, stand out. She also includes her own CV from IIM Bangalore days to give an example.

These tips have been shared by the IAS officer on Twitter. Divya gives tips on what to write in CV or resume in her first tweet.

I have cleared some of the toughest entrance exams in the country like IIT, IIM, IAS. It’s not that I didn’t get distracted while studying, but I did overcome those distractions.

Little tips on how to remove distractions and get great attention

a thread

— Divya Mittal (@divyamittal_IAS) October 29, 2022

His first tweet gives a breakdown on the number of sections to be on resumes,

“4-5 Relevant Clauses

-Resume Summary (more on this later)



-an internship



extra curricular

— and anything else that sets you apart.”

how to write

After suggesting what to write in a CV, his next tweet is how to write it. She also gives examples.

how to write in cv

– There is no need for a complete sentence. phrases work

– start each point with an action action -> the skill you are trying to highlight

– Focus only on your most relevant skills and experience.

– Mention numbers and specifications to indicate tangible achievements.”

about work experience

In her next tweet, she discusses how one should describe work experiences. “How to write about your workex:-

– Use verb words like direct/manage/lead instead of duties involved

– Tell stories – What was the problem? What action did you take? What were the results? What skills did you use and develop?”

get shortlisted

Having said that, she moves on to relevant keywords, which should help you get shortlisted.

“Very important to be shortlisted:-

– More than 90% of companies now use software (called ATS) for shortlisting

– Software checks keywords to match job description (JD)

– Hence, you need to include relevant keywords in your CV and tailor each CV based on the specific job. ,


Now she comes to the resume summary. “resume summary:-

– Not required for freshers

– No more than 3 sentences.

– Mention experience, top achievements

– What kind of role are you looking for

– Helps in computerized shortlisting if you include relevant keywords.


Then, she discusses the dos and don’ts. First she clarifies about the dos.

“Send file as firstname_lastname, not as cv/resume

– Send PDF file and not as Word file

– Include verb words from job description

– Choose a neat template

– Fit the most points in 1 row

– Length: 1 page for pre-working < 10 years, maximum 2 pages"


Then she comes to the don’ts. “Don’t make bold claims that can’t be backed up

-Don’t just list job duties; focus on achievements

-avoid personal pronouns (I / I / mine)
unprofessional email id like coolguy352

-No need for photo/date of birth

Don’t bold too many words.

Lastly, the IAS officer shares her own CV from 2007, when she was applying for her first job.

And she ends her thread with these words: “Resume is meant to present what you have done in an impressive manner, as it is about doing so much in life. Good luck on the placement!”

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